🤍 Chapter 67 🤍

Start from the beginning

Kimitsuki was taken aback as he pulled her closer until she caught herself just in time to not fall on top of him but rather just sit down next to him on the bed. She stared at him in concern, his cheeks were pink but his red eyes were swirling with a strangeness in them.

"Did you mean it?" Katsuki asked quietly. Kimitsuki tilted her head slightly, now confused as their eyes met. "Did you mean everything that you said last night?"

"Of course, I did," Kimitsuki replied gently. "Every single word," She took her hand from him and took his hand instead. "I can say them all again if you want me to,"

"No, it's fine," Katsuki mumbled, looking away from her eyes but not taking his hand out of her hold as she would normally expect him to do.

It was quiet between the two of them for a moment, and Kimitsuki stared at him in that silence. She was sure that he was thinking something and she didn't want to break that line of thoughts for him. If there was something that he wanted to say, she wanted to listen.

"Did you ever care about me?" Katsuki asked finally as his eyes returned to meet with hers for an instantaneous answer. "Why did you never care about me?"

"I have cared for you," Kimitsuki replied calmly. "I have cared for you but I suppose it was foolish of me to hide it from you. I was always worried about showing it to you because you are always so tough, you know that, Ka-Chan? But I know now about how you really feel, and so, if you ever need my help, you just have to call me and I'll be there for you,"

"It's the other way around," Katsuki responded. "I'm going to be the Number One Hero," Kimitsuki looked at him in amusement. "What? You don't believe that?"

"I do believe that," Kimitsuki said. "You know, I never got to tell you this, Ka-Chan, but you were the Number One Hero in my heart when you protected me when we were young," She watched his skin colour a little. "But now the number one Hero in my heart has changed,"

"What?" Katsuki asked a bit too quickly, causing her to laugh. "Who is it? Is it that Deku?"

"No, but I won't say who it is," Kimitsuki replied, pretending to zip her lips and causing Katsuki to huff and look away. She laughed, swatting his stomach lightly. "But I'll tell you someday,"

Katsuki continued to look away from her but that only amused him much further. Kimitsuki continued to gaze at his face where he had gotten himself injured. It reminded her of the previous night and the intense emotions that she had felt. She looked down at the hand in her hold and stroked his skin with her thumb until he looked back at her.

"I wish that things between the two of us and Izu-Chan would improve," Kimitsuki admitted as she looked at the blond. "I don't want to see you hurt, and I don't want him to be hurt – I hope you two will get along... I say this out of the worry that I feel for you, Ka-Chan,"

Kimitsuki reached her hand out and placed it onto his cheek where he had that horrible scratch, "Even one cut on your face is too much for me. I'll worry for you even if you dislike it,"

"Just because I didn't like it doesn't mean you shouldn't care about me," Katsuki muttered, and Kimitsuki stared at him, causing his cheeks to turn pink. "What?"

"Ka-Chan..." Kimitsuki spoke slowly. "... are you, perhaps, a Tsundere?"

"What?" Katsuki asked. "No! Where did you learn that word?"

"Kaminari-Kun showed me some really nice comics," Kimitsuki replied, shrugging her shoulders lightly. Katsuki raised his eyebrows. "That reminds me, I came here to fetch you so I can tell you what cleaning duties you and Izu-Chan have to do today,"

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