Chapter 103: Guild War

Start from the beginning

"He seems to be playing Fate." Tan Polang mumbled under his breath.

"Oh, this game is very popular. It's not that strange."

"About that..." Just as Tan Polang was about to finally get to the point after beating around the bush for so long, a pale-faced Bai Mo rushed into Ye Ci's room. Anxiety was written all over his face, "Why haven't you gotten online yet?"

Ye Ci was baffled, and a feeling of uneasiness began creeping into her heart, "What happened?"

"Hurry up! Somebody declared war on our guild 6am today!" With that, Bai Mo left the room, leaving behind Ye Ci with a calm expression on her face, and Tan Polang who was utterly shocked.

"Shit's hit the fan. I have to go online now. You can go study now." Ye Ci laid down in the gaming cabin.

Tan Polang immediately sprung up, "You haven't told me what your name in game is!"

"Gongzi You." Ye Ci had satisfied the little brat's wish and told him her name before closing the lid of the gaming cabin. He would probably force it open to get the answer, had Ye Ci not revealed her name.

Ye Ci could see that Tan Polang was just like Fluttering Red Feather. He was stubborn and relentless. She decided to give him the answer to avoid being disturbed by the kid.

Ye Ci immediately returned to the Eastern Continent with a Flying Shard after she logged into the game. She then teleported to Red Lake City with her city-recalling stone.

There were 2 ways to initiate a Guild War in Fate, which were closely related to the level of the guild encampment of a guild. Guild encampments that were level1-level5 were placed in specific guild servers, and could only be reached through certain NPCs. To declare war on a guild, a player must enter a very specific map and locate a very specific NPC to declare war on a guild. This was different for level6-level10 guild encampments. An encampment that met the level requirement must be built on a plot of land adjacent to the city that the guild was bound to. It was easier for the development of the guild to have their encampment right beside a major city, but it was also easier for somebody to declare war on them. The moment somebody attacked a guild banner within the guild encampment, it meant that war had been declared. Of course, with the growth of guilds in the game, the second type of Guild War became more and more popular.

Ye Ci's guild encampment was level 5, which meant that the Guild War was declared using the first method. This was why there were no fights going on within Red Lake City. Ye Ci headed straight for the NPC in charge of guild affairs and teleported back to the guild encampment.

The fight was already in full swing by the time Ye Ci arrived. The entire encampment was a mess. The strong walls of the encampment were badly damaged. It seemed that their opponent had packed some serious firepower that could overcome even the walls of a level 5 guild encampment.

"I want the 1st ranged squad to retreat from the wall and heal up. 2nd squad, go with them as well. 3rd squad, take their place! I want the 4th squad to heal our melee fighters that are fighting outside the wall! Summoner Team 1, continue patrolling the area with your minions, direct them to actively attack any enemies! All the Rogues patrolling the encampment's perimeter, widen your patrol area, we must not let them succeed in another sneak attack!" Mi Lu's voice rang out in the guild channel. His voice was calm and powerful. It was the quality of a good commander.

It was not hard to tell from Mi Lu's words that Upwards Ho!'s guild encampment had suffered from a successful sneak attack by their opponent, which resulted in such devastation.

With the situation temporarily stabilized, Ye Ci headed straight for the guild conference room. She knew that the guild administrators, including Bai Mo, Timely Rain, Icy Cold Little Hands, Pickled Pepper Phoenix Claw and Let Go Of That Girl were having a meeting in the room when she noticed that they were not taking part in the battle.

As expected, they were in the guild conference room having a lively discussion.

"Those cowards! They attacked when most of our members were not online! If it wasn't for our level 5 guild encampment, we would've lost by now!" Let Go Of That Girl brought his fist down on the table. He was so angry that he'd pulled on his beard until it was in complete disarray.

"Forget about it. They're just too many of them. Our guild might be popular and famous, but we are actually quite understrength. Even after we've managed to recruit a quite a few members, they left right after somebody declared war on us. If this continues..." Fruit Jelly let out a sigh, worry written all over her face.

"Don't panic. Ink, what's the situation? How goes the battle?"

"It's stable. But we're at quite a huge disadvantage. Our guild was still young, and the members' loyalty is not that firm yet. A lot of them were demoralized once we began losing ground. It's a tough fight." Overflowing Ink let out a sigh, "It's all my fault. If only I've came online earlier..."

"Forget about it...'

"Who was the one that declared war on us?" Ye Ci had been standing unnoticed at the doorway for quite some time. In their heated discussion, none of the guild admins noticed her presence. She was able to grasp the gravity of the situation by listening in on their conversation. Other than Steel Blooded Battle Spear, there seemed to be no other guilds that had beef with Ye Ci. Why would somebody declare war on them?

"Full Moon's Night." Somebody immediately offered Ye Ci a seat.

Full Moon's Night? Ye Ci was baffled. The guild was not quite well-known, and was not even a top-10 guild in the Eastern Continent. However, their combat strength was actually higher than Upwards Ho!, or at least they had more members. But that was not the point. That point was that Ye Ci didn't even know them!

"Who's the guild leader?"

"Crimson Twilight." It was Icy Cold Little hands, who was in charge of the guild's public relations, who answered Ye Ci's question. She knew almost all the the higher ups of the major and medium-sized guilds in the Eastern Continent.

Ye Ci was momentarily stunned. She couldn't say that she did not know the name. So it was them. Ye Ci grimaced. They did have beef with her guild.

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