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Alexandra's pov

Damon has been healing really good. I'm still an emotional wreck with everything that happened and everything that's currently going on. For starters, Alaric's evil alter ego hid the last stake. The vampire killer side of him did something with it, and the actual Alaric doesn't know where he put it.

So, now he's locked up so that whenever he switches to his dark side, he can't go get it and kill an entire bloodline of vampires. How's Klaus going to react? I have no clue. If we can't get him this stake, I don't know what he'll do.

And to stress me out even more, we have a decades dance coming up at school and Caroline thinks it would be good for me to help plan it. I think that's the most ridiculous idea, but she's been harassing me about it so I caved in.

"Finally, you're here. I've been waiting for an hour" Caroline said as I enter the gymnasium at school.

"Sorry, got caught up with stuff" I said.

"Stuff? What...banging Damon?" She said and I snapped my head to her. "Or is he still out of commission with all the injuries" She continued.

"Really?" I said rolling my eyes a little. "You know, I don't have to be here" I continued.

"Actually you do. I talked to Damon, he said this is good for you." She said.

"You talked to Damon?" I said.

"Yes, he's worried about you" She said.

"Worried about me? He's the one who got tortured" I said.

"Yeah, and he's worried about your mental state with everything that happened. We're still teenagers, Alex. We deserve to have somewhat of a normal life" She said.

"What is normal anymore" I said looking at all the decorations on the table. Ew.

"This. This is normal, Alex" She said.

"What decade are we even doing?" I said.

"70's! Isn't it amazing" She said.

"Great. Looks like I'm going to be looking through boxes of dead ancestor outfits at the Salvatore house" I said.

"Morbid" She said and I looked to her. "Ugh, what happened to happy, optimistic Alex?" She continued.

"She turned into a vampire. And then lost her humanity for some time. Killed people" I said.

"None of that was your fault, Alex. You realize that, right?" She said.

"Yeah, I do. But it sticks with you" I said.

"You can't let it take over you though.  Seriously, Alex" Caroline said.

"I know.  I'm trying.  I really am" I said.

It's just so hard

It's nighttime now.  I'm exhausted from spending all day help set up for this dance tonight.  But there's no way I'll be able to get out of it.  So, here I am.  Dressed up in a 70's outfit from the Salvatore basement.  Hair and makeup done.  Heels on.  Ready for a night that probably won't be much fun at all.  Maybe that's just the nerves talking.  How could I not be nervous that something won't happen tonight? Is it even possible to have one normal night?

eternity // damon salvatore fanfic // book 2 Where stories live. Discover now