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Damon's pov

I'm standing here in excruciating pain. I feel myself starting to sweat and realize that I was set up. What the hell was I thinking? I should've known better. I just thought maybe I'd be one step ahead. Now here I am...stuck in an underground tunnel with vervain pipes in me.

"Sorry. Thought you might need this" I heard and looked to see Mason appear with the shovel. Well shit...maybe I wasn't being set up.

He takes the shovel and starts hitting the bars to break them and I just groan in pain. After a few hits, he looks to me and I take deep breaths and then he grabs onto the bars and pulls them out of me.

"You're welcome" He said and I yell in pain.

"What's your game, man? I killed you. I jammed my fist into your chest. I ripped your heart out. There's no way this whole buddy trust act is real." I said.

"You know what the other side is like? We're all alone. We watch the people we left behind. And we regret our decisions. That's it. Look, I can't change what happened to me. But maybe I can change what happens to Tyler" He said and I just stared at him. "I don't need revenge, Damon. I need redemption" He continued.

I just nod and then we continue to walk down this long dark path until we reach a new entrance. Mason walks in holding a lantern and I follow behind him but stop when I can't move. I look confused and then try to walk again but realize I can't enter.

"This is not happening" I said frustrated.

"What not?" Mason said.

"I can't get through. It's like I'm not invited in. Wait." I said.

"I'm not stopping just cause you're stuck. I'll let you know what I find" He said.

"Yeah, but..." I started saying and he cut in.

"Looks like you're going to have to trust me" He said and I sigh.

I see him start to look around and I just stand there watching him. He seems interested in something...I just don't know what.

"So, what'd you find?" I said.

"It's in...." He started saying and then stopped. I see his face change and then all of a sudden he disappears.

"No, no, no! Where'd you go? Mason. Mason!" I said. Dammit. He's gone.

I break out of thought when I hear my phone ringing and I look to see it's Alexandra and I answer it. "Alex" I said.

"Damon, Bonnie did it. They're gone. Everyone who is dead went back" She said.

"Yeah...I noticed. Not really good timing" I said.

"What do you mean?" She said.

"Mason was about to find something. Now he's gone and I can't get in because vampires aren't invited" I said.

"Where are you?" She said.

"Some underground tunnel" I said.

"Call Alaric. He'll help you" She said.

"Ric? Yeah...I don't think him helping me is going to happen. He still hates me" I said.

eternity // damon salvatore fanfic // book 2 Where stories live. Discover now