Ch. 50

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I gulped as we passed under the tall archway of the north entrance to the city of Ara, its gatekeepers at attention, saluting the Prince, but it was the sight before my eyes that made all thoughts leave my head.

The city was dazzling. Breathtaking. Beautiful. Dignified. Joyous. Powerful. Adjectives kept appearing in my mind as my eyes took in the clean streets, upkept houses, and the golden palace sitting on the hill overlooking the city, the sea shining in the background.

"It appears the stories are true," Shay said beside me, awe coating her tone. "Even though we're here for a trial, I am glad that we get to see this place." I nodded in agreement.

Nourse and Marcus came from here, and though I knew the city was not perfect, that darkness still lurked in its corners, I could not stop wondering why they ever thought of leaving. My heart panged as I thought of those two people. Nourse was most certainly dead, but Marcus could very well be alive. Surely he was not still trusting Marduk. Maybe, once this trial was over and the weather grew warmer, I could ask Prince Solas about rescuing him. Now that I had experienced forgiveness firsthand, I knew the Prince would accept Marcus back.

"Now remember how to behave," Devin whispered to me as we climbed the hill toward the palace. "Be extra polite and watch your tongue."

I shot him a look. "Devin. Please. I'm not the same person I was when I hatched that foolish plan." Devin grinned, then reached out and mussed my hair. I slapped his hand away, laughing.

"Forgive me. You have grown much, little sis, and it's been heartening seeing your growth, but it is difficult for me to outgrow my big brother watchfulness."

I smiled, warmth filling my belly. This was as close as Devin would get to telling me that he loved me. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

We stopped at the golden gates of the palace as Prince Solas announced our business, handing several sheets of paper to the guards. I was surprised the guards did not open the gates immediately upon our arrival, but even the crown prince must follow the authority of the Father. After carefully looking over the documents, the guards bowed and ushered us through.

If I had thought the city was spectacular, it paled in comparison to the palace grounds. It was like comparing a candle to the sun. The grounds were trimmed, neat, and green as if it had rained the perfect amount everyday. Fountains, water shooting into the sky in dazzling works of art, were scattered throughout the grounds. Trees, thick with fruit even though the harvest had ended weeks ago, lined the walls. And the paths. All of the paths were made with gold, shining brilliantly in the afternoon sun. Screwing my eyes up so as not to be blinded, I took in the palace. White stone made up the walls, and gold trim lined the edges. Windows, dozens of them, glimmered. As we came closer, I made out images of winged creatures carved into the doorways.

Pages came and took our horses as the Prince led us inside the palace. By this point, nothing should have surprised me after experiencing what I had, but I couldn't help but stop and stare around me. I felt like an ant as I took in the high ceilings, all of which were painted with pictures depicting different stories. Staring at them, I recognized the stories as ones from the book Merium had given me. A grand staircase split the middle of the room, leading up to the throne room. The Prince led us up the stairs through two enormous white and gold doors and into a waiting room.

"My Father will call you each in as the time comes," he instructed. "I must go and meet with him now. Please let the servant know if you desire something." He motioned to the servant, dressed in the white and gold of the royal family, standing near the door.

We waited in silence, Devin's jittery knee and Shay's wringing hands the only signs of nerves. As for myself, I stared at the floor, noting the high polish. I knew we would walk out of the throne room cleared because that is what Prince Solas promised. I just wished my heart, which was pumping much faster than normal, understood that message.

RedeemedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora