Ch. 25

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A smile graced my features as I dressed for the day. Even though I had gotten less sleep due to staying up half the night playing card games with Jax, I felt more refreshed and ready to face the day than I had since leaving the Keep, even though the sun had barely broken the horizon. Sure, there were probably wanted posters all over Marduk's territories, but I didn't have anything to worry about as long as I stayed on the property, which would be easy due to Milor's strict rules about leaving the place, even on official business. Of course, a certain ranger may have helped with my current mood as well...

"You are certainly chipper today," observed Maurine, tucking in her sheets. She always had a neat and tidy bed, compared to mine with its sheets thrown back in whatever way I happened to wake up that morning. Why make it when I'd just have to ruin it again that night?

Maurine handed me the brace she had made for my wrist, a device made from cloth and sticks that I could slip over my hand, and wrapped her hands around my arm as we left for breakfast. Normally, being that close to another person would have annoyed me, but nothing could bother me today. Nothing.

"Are you happy because of Jax?" Maurine asked, giving me a look. What? I must have looked startled because she sighed, squeezing my arm tighter. "You don't have to hide it, dear. I think it is great that you have someone who cares about you and you for him." Did she just call me dear? I was pretty sure I was older than her!

"Wait," I said, pausing and looking down at her. With our height difference, she had to crane her head to see my face. "You think that Jax and I are courting?"

"Thea," Maurine said, a mom-like tone coating her voice, "it was pretty obvious that you and Jax already knew each other before meeting here. Besides, how many men wile away the hours with a woman late into the night if not for love?"

I flushed. Love. What kind of person did she think I was?

"That being said, I can't allow you to sneak away any more nights. Honestly, if I'd realized how long you were to be gone last night, I would have refused, or at the very least accompanied you," prattled Maurine. She really thought that Jax and I liked each other. If the real situation wasn't so precarious, I would have laughed out loud. Suddenly, she gasped, eyes widening. "You didn't, you know..."

"Maurine!" I retorted, scandalized and blushing even more. I opened my mouth to inform her that Jax and I definitely didn't like each other like that when I realized this whole situation might work for our advantage. No one would question why we wanted to talk together, alone, though finding those moments might prove hard. "Nothing happened. We just talked and played cards, promise."

Maurine patted my arm. "Until he's put a proper ring on your finger and said his vows, that is the way it should be." As we entered the dining room, I scanned the tables for Jax. He needed to know about this latest development.

"Look, there's your boy now!" Maurine squealed (yes, actually squealed. I'm pretty sure she cared more about me being "in love" than I did), pointing to a table in the corner. Jax sat alone, munching on a piece of bread and watery porridge. Before I could protest, she pulled me over and forced me in a chair, saying that she would go grab us breakfast. I rubbed my arm where she had clenched it. Dang, she was strong.

"What's the matter with her?" Jax asked, looking to where Maurine was practically skipping through the line as if a feast awaited rather than soggy leftovers.

"She thinks that we like each other due to our spending several hours together last night," I whispered, careful not to let the others overhear. At Jax's raised eyebrows, I explained how this situation might work to our advantage. By the end, he was nodding.

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