Ch. 46

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We arrived back at the camp as the sun was setting. Rachel had provided us with dinner for the road consisting of bread, cheese, and dried meat. As we readied the horses, Rachel had pulled me aside.

"Even though you no longer live with the enemy, he is still causing destruction and doubt in you. The only way to defeat him is to give your hurts to the Prince and let him fight for you. Please, Thea, devote your life to him. Do not let the deaths of my husband and son be in vain."

I nodded, clasping her hand to show that I understood, unable to form words through the lump in my throat.

Now we were back and going to the Prince's tent to report. Though I knew that Devin would not have told anyone what had happened back at the town, it seemed that everyone was looking at me strangely. Remember what Rachel said. Cast your worries aside.

Devin was already in the Prince's tent, sitting on the rug across from Prince Solas. Seeing us, he jumped up, striding right over to me and placing his hands on my shoulders. "Thea, what happened? Did Rachel kick you out? Did she tell everyone in the town what you did to her family?"

"Devin, calm down, everything is fine," I replied, irritation running through me. He narrowed his eyes, ready to argue, but Peyton stepped up, clapping a hand on Devin's shoulder.

"Thea speaks the truth, Devin. Rachel offered her forgiveness, and now we must do the same."

Devin's brows rose as he turned to the Prince. "You were right; I had nothing to worry about. I am sorry that I ever doubted."

"You are forgiven, Devin, though I am not the only one you should offer an apology to," the Prince replied.

Shock ran through me as Devin bowed his head and apologized for his behavior toward

me on the mission. Never did I ever imagine my older brother admitting that he had made a mistake in how he treated me.

"It's okay, Devin. I made mistakes, too. I should have told you about what I did when I was with Marduk. I was afraid about what -" I paused, looking around the tent at the various faces there, both familiar, such as Shay and Devin, and unfamiliar, such as Peyton and Amos. Well, it was not worth trying to hide anymore. "I was afraid that you would not accept me after learning what I have done." Shay put an arm around my shoulders, squeezing.

"Come, sit and tell me how the mission went. Thea, may I ask you to start?" the Prince asked, gesturing for me to sit next to him. Butterflies flew in my stomach at the thought of being right next to the one who held so much power, but Rachel's words about how the Prince had already forgiven me steadied my nerves.

"It is time that you knew what I have done and how I came to be here." I started shaking, fear coming over me and stopping my voice.

"It is okay, Thea, let the Almighty transform you, and let go of yourself," Prince Solas said, his voice filling me with strength. I took a deep breath.

"Let me start at the beginning, when soldiers from the Dragon took me as I slept." I recounted what had happened to me while at the Keep, from being trained by Nourse, to killing men from the Prince's army, to swearing an oath to serve only Marduk, to travelling to various towns in order to collect dues, to retrieving the flower, to fighting Shay and being rescued from the Keep. There were parts in which my voice shook, and shame welled in me as I realized how far I had fallen and how many transgressions I had committed against the Prince and his followers. By the end, everyone except the Prince sat in shocked silence.

"That is quite the testimony," Peyton said finally. "It is amazing you are even here."

"Thanks to the Prince and his grace, I am," I replied, glancing at Prince Solas shyly. In response, he smiled, his hazel eyes shining, and for the first time I realized how beautiful the Prince was. It was not simply his outer appearance either, but his inner character that shone through his face and actions. How had I never noticed before?

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