Ch. 30

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Wanting to surprise Jax for a change, I woke early, before the sun had risen, and went in search of some breakfast. There was a forest just south of our camp. The Brarly Forest. It was known for its hunting, shaded woods, and clear ponds that were fed by underground springs. I was sure I could find something good there. Entering its shadowy ground, I found a blueberry bush, its berries big and ready to eat. Perfect. Just as I was filling a sack with the refreshing fruit, I heard a branch snap.

Cautiously, I raised my head to find a young buck staring at me not fifty feet away. Kynthelig swished his tail beside me, watching the creature with his dark eyes. I, too, kept my eyes on the buck as I reached for my bow. He would feed Jax and me for many days, especially if we took today and dried and salted the meat. Plus, I could bring some back to Mom. I doubted she was being fed great food under the care of the governor.

Drawing back the string, I took a deep breath in and aimed, just as Nourse had taught me. With an exhale, I released the arrow, and it flew true. The buck dropped instantly. I smiled, pleased with my skills. Taking a rope, I tied the end to the antlers and the other end to the back of Kynthelig's saddle, and we headed back to our camp, dragging the deer behind.

I had just finished skinning the buck, a few pieces sizzling on a rock by the fire, when Jax stirred. His hair stood up in several directions. Talk about serious bedhead. Somehow, it made him look even more endearing.

"Good morning, O Ranger of the Messy Hair," I grinned. Jax grimaced as he attempted to flatten his bedraggled mop.

"You are certainly chipper today. What is all this?" he asked, smelling the fresh meat and looking at the carcass. I flashed him my hands covered in blood as I used the knife to cut the remaining meat into slivers to dry in the sun.

"Let's just say I was inspired by a certain hunter to do a little hunting myself. Now we should have enough to reach Tosach without needing to find food." Pride filled me, warming my chest.

"I thought you wanted to reach home as soon as possible," Jax remarked, eyeing the meat set out to dry. My pride instantly faltered. Wasn't he happy about the meal and food I had found?

Noting my mood change, Jax put a hand on my shoulder. "I didn't mean it that way. If you are content to wait another day so that we may enjoy this feast, then I am happy to oblige." He took out his own hunting knife and helped me cut the meat.

"If you are up for it, I know a mean liver recipe we can enjoy this afternoon as we wait for the meat to dry."

I smiled at him, relieved to see him smile back. As long as he was by my side and happy, I would be willing to wait a few more days before reaching home. Besides, I knew Mom would probably pass out when I returned home with a man, and I wasn't sure my ears were ready for that kind of squealing and torture just yet.

We spent the rest of the morning eating breakfast, cutting the meat, and laying in each other's arms while watching the clouds drift across the sky.

As the sun passed over the sky's axis, marking the afternoon, Jax stood, stretching.

"I'm going to gather some herbs for the stew."

"Why don't we just go together? I would be glad to help." And I want to spend more time with you were the words I didn't add, but hoped were communicated through my eyes.

Apparently, we had yet to create a telepathic link as Jax untied Thunder and mounted.

"Thank you, but I will not be gone long," he replied, nudging the horse into a trot. Sighing, I walked over to Kynthelig, rubbing his neck.

"Men are so clueless sometimes," I said. In answer, Kynthelig shook his head. I laughed. "Obviously I wasn't talking about you, boy!" Taking a brush, I cleaned his hide, brushing his dark brown hair until it shone.

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