Ch. 13a

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Taking a deep breath, I quieted my thoughts as I drew the bowstring back, intent on the hare. Noting the slight breeze, I adjusted my aim and let the arrow fly. A moment later, the hare flopped over, an arrow piercing its eye. Satisfaction filled me as I collected the meat and cleaned the arrow. I wouldn't be empty handed tonight, unlike yesterday. The sun hung low in the sky, marking the late afternoon time and my need to start making my way back to our temporary camp.

It was my turn to join the hunting party this week, along with Nourse and Marcus. We were hunting on the outskirts of the forest in the southeast part of the mountains. Now, if only I could track down a larger creature, such as a deer. That would gain Marcus's admiration, and maybe even garner a compliment from the ever-cold-shouldered Nourse.

Two weeks had passed since Tunack. During that time, I had tried questioning Nourse about his behavior regarding the wolves, but he either changed the subject or said it did not concern me. It was like all the progress we had made at Tunack toward being friendlier was wiped away. Nourse barely talked to me outside of training. Marduk had left on another mission the following day before I had a chance to find him. Though Nourse liked to be secretive, I was sure Marduk would have told me the truth.

I kicked at the dirt, frustrated with the lack of answers. Hopefully Marduk would be back when we returned, and I could ask him for clarification. Part of me also wondered if those wolves were bothering Nourse, and that was why he was annoyed with my questioning. He seemed to be the type of person to always have an answer, and he probably hated it when he could not explain. I heard a rustle and looked up only to see a tall white tail bounding away. I cursed. If I had been paying more attention, I wouldn't have scared the deer. Pull yourself together, Thea. There's nothing you can do right now. With that in mind, I carefully placed my feet on the ground, sure not to disturb the leaves and rocks.

I was getting better at being stealthy in the forest. The first day we had hunted, Nourse asked if I had been raised in a well of mud what with all of my stomping around. Marcus had laughed, but he at last gave me some pointers on how to improve my footing and stealthiness. No one could say I was not a quick learner, at least.

Looking at the ground to avoid a fallen log, I noticed a cream-colored mushroom with a top that looked like a sponge. Morels! I crouched down, finding three big ones hiding in the dampness by the log. Putting them in my bag, I scouted around, finding several others. These would go well with the meat and hopefully make up for my poor hunting skills. A rabbit and rare mushrooms - life was looking up! Glancing at the sky, I deducted I had a little more time to continue my foraging. The more I brought back, the better. At least I didn't have to worry about being quiet while searching for mushrooms; unlike animals, they couldn't run away.

The sun was just starting its descent under the horizon when I walked through two trees and into the small clearing Marcus had found the day before. The horses were tied loosely to a low branch. I could have hunted atop my horse, but that would have resulted in scaring off every creature near me. Horses were made for the open plains, not the crowded woods. A fire was crackling in the middle, and Nourse and Marcus were laying out their catch. Several squirrels, a few rabbits, a duck, and a large stag. Of course one of them caught a deer. I bet it was Marcus with his sharp bow skills.

Both of their heads whipped toward me at the sound of my approach.

"Looks like you were more successful today!" Marcus said, noting the hare. I nodded, though I felt foolish only bringing one small creature back compared to the catch of the others.

"Did you kill that deer?" I asked, inclining my head toward the stag.

"I sure did, though I have Cap to thank for reminding me to stick to my spot in the tree. I was about ready to move on when the deer walked right underneath my hiding place! I am glad I followed his advice; I've been tracking him since we started our hunting quest."

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