Prince Solas accepted the outstretched dagger. "Thank you, Thea, I see that your heart is true. Now, are you ready to face the results of your actions?" Suddenly, I realized that the reason we had gone to the stables first had not been to care for the horse but to give me time to compose myself so that I could accept what was to come with dignity. Gratitude for the Prince and his actions filled me, and I nodded, accepting the Prince's outstretched arm.

Captain Elise, Merium, and Gabriel, the Prince's personal guard, stood outside the doors.

Elise stepped forward, her gray eyes solemn. "Thea, you are under arrest for breaking your suspension, stealing a horse, and purposefully engaging the enemy without direct orders. You will be stripped of your weapons and status and will be put under house arrest until the time of your trial before the Father, head of the Almighty. Gabriel is assigned as your guard and will determine your schedule." I submitted to their pat down search, even though I knew I carried no more weapons, and then Gabriel led me away. The Prince stayed behind to confer with Merium and Elise.

I had expected to be led directly to my room, so I was surprised when we turned toward the infirmary. I was not injured. Why were we going there?

The answer came in the form of a bear hug as Devin crushed me. Tears of relief ran down my cheeks and onto his shirt. It took me a second to realize he was also crying, his shoulders shaking.

"Why are you crying? If anything, you should be yelling at me about how stupid I was," I hicupped as my tears combined with laughter. His chuckle filled the room. How ridiculous we must look, the two of us sobbing and laughing at the same time.

"Oh, the yelling is coming, but for now I am so happy that you are safe," he replied, still holding me close.

"I am so sorry for not listening to you and dragging you into my foolish plans."

"Sister, you were forgiven before you even walked into the room." His words brought a fresh slate of tears.

"How did you survive? You were surrounded."

"Before you hear that story, you need to say hello to our other companion." Releasing me, Devin limped away due to the splint around his right ankle. My fault. It was my fault he had that injury. I also noted several cuts and bandages covering his arms and legs. No doubt there were a few on his back and belly as well. Devin led me to the bed on the other side of the infirmary where Shay was laying on a bed reading, her right arm bandaged and her midsection wrapped in cloth. Red stained the bandages. My fault. Those injuries were also due to my actions. My friends had fought for me, and their only reward for laying their lives on the line were injuries. At least they were alive.

Sinking into a chair, I waited for her to finish reading, noting it was a book containing stories about the Prince. Devin sat beside me.

We waited in silence for several long minutes before Shay, not turning her head away from the page, said, "About time you brought your sorry carcass back here. Devin was all worried that you were dead, but I knew you were alive, if for no other reason than you aren't allowed to die until we've had words." My heart hammered at her flat, expressionless tone, but then Shay turned her head, smiling. "I'm so glad you are alive, sister warrior." And I knew that Shay had already forgiven me. Putting her book down, she grasped my hand. "Forgive me for not showing more enthusiasm, but I was told to keep my emotions in check on account of my injury." Shay rolled her eyes. "Personally, the nurses are overreacting. I'll be up fighting again in a week, mark my words." I laughed, relieved to hear Shay's humor. "All joking aside, how did you escape?"

"I was going to ask you the same question, but I owe you an explanation," I said, launching into the events of what had happened. When I got to the part about the Prince catching me and me finally accepting his offer of marriage, Shay clapped her good hand against the mattress, squealing in delight while Devin's eyebrows rose so high, his hair covered them. I ended with the journey back and the consequences I was under.

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