Chapter Thirteen

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Isabelle's P.O.V

"I'll do it." Jo says as she stands in front of me when I open the door. "I'll work with you to bring Dante down."

My jaw drops I'm shock, and I move out of the way so that she can make her way inside the home. "Jo, Hello." Adam says, shaking her hand. "Isabelle told me she filled you in."

"She did." She turns to face me again. "I don't know where you stand on this, but we have both been taken advantage of by him.  I...well I guess, we, have a sister down in Texas. She has a newborn. I have to do whatever I can to make sure that they stay safe." 

"Dante and I haven't got along since I created the Dark Order." Adam says, and we both turn our attention to him. "He killed my bother, Brodie a long time ago. It's about time I seek revenge on him." 

"Why did y'all send Renee and Dylan after me?" Jo asks, and I look over at Adam who looks back at me before turning his attention back to Jo. "It wasn't even you two, was it? Was this Dante too?" 

"No." I answer her quickly and she turns back to face me. "That was Micah, Jon's father." I watch her face drain of color. 

"Jon's father did this?" She questions, and runs a hand through her hair. "You have to tell him. I can't." She shakes her head, and leans against the bar in the living room. 

"What do you mean you can't?" I ask her, and she remains silent. " need to be the one to tell him." 

"We aren't speaking at the moment." She says, and turns around. "It's complicated." 

"Jo, don't tell me you pushed him away." I accuse her, and she looks away from me. "Why did you do that? After everything that's happened, you need him." 

"I can take care of myself thank you very much." She scoffs, and I roll my eyes at her. I guess we really were sisters with how stubborn she's being right now. 

"No one is denying that, but Isabelle is right. You need him now more than ever." Adam speaks up, and she rolls her eyes again. 

"Why do I need a man to help me fight my father?" She winces at the last word. "Why can't Isabelle and I take him down on our own? We know how to fight, and I'm sure she has intel from working alongside you all these years as the leader of a mafia." 

"I love Isabelle with every ounce of me. I won't let her walk into this blindly. Dante and Micah are a different breed. You never really know what to expect from them. They've been at this for years, and with this new revelation of you being her sister...that makes you family. That means no one gets left behind. Do you understand?" Adam speaks, and my heart flutters in my chest at his words. Such a big boss man, but a softie at heart. 

"I get it. But, you've only said things about you and Isabelle. How does that fit for me and Mox?" Jo asks stubbornly. 

"Jon hates his father, but do you know why?" I ask her, and she shakes his head. "It's not my place to tell you, but I know he wants his father dead more than anyone else in this world." 

"Who would have thought I'd end up with all these daddy issues?" She finally jokes, and Adam cracks a laugh while I shake my head. 

"Welcome to the family." 

Mox's P.O.V

Two weeks since I've last seen her, and I was hanging on by a thread. I text, I call, and I leave voicemails, but she never returns them. How did I end up as the bas guy here? All I wanted was to help her, and now with her gone, I didn't know what to do with myself.

So, like an other psychopath, I went and hunted down pedophiles, and many other bad men just to help me feel something.

"Do you know this little girl?" I ask the man who sat before me, tied, begging for me not to do this. "Do you know how old she is? Hmm?" His eyes squeezed shut, and he shook his head. "She's three fucking years old, and what did you decide to do to her? Huh?! Open your eyes or I'll gauge them out myself!" 

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