Chapter Five

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**Smut Warning**

Jon's P.O.V

I drag the blade across the man's forehead in front of me, watching the blood trickle down his face.

His screams are muffled through the tape covering his mouth.

"I'll ask you one more time or I'm slicing your entire face." I pause, Seth handing me the photo. "Have you seen this girl?"

He shakes his head frantically. Fear in his eyes. I thrive on that shit. My favorite scent. "Well, that's too bad." I tell him before taking the knife and stabbing into his chest. Dragging the knife down, gutting him completely.

His blood is sprayed over my face. I turn to face Seth and Roman who are looking at me they way that they should, crazy.

"You two got something to fucking say?" I ask them.

"Is there something you aren't telling us about Jo?" Roman asks, and I look at him confused.

"All of this is insane. She works for you, gets shot in the shoulder, and now she's run away from you? And what was that bullshit story you told her about her father? That's not how he died, and you fucking know it." Seth says, and steps to me. "She's too good of a girl for you to be lying straight to her face."

"How long have you had feelings for her, Seth?" I say through gritted teeth. He laughs, shaking his head.

"I don't have feelings for her." He denies, but I can read it all over his face.

"Don't lie to me." I say, and shove him away from me.

"How do you know her Jon?" Roman asks me, and I look down at the bloody knife in my hand.

"None of your fucking business."

"I'm so sick of your shit, Jon." Seth says, and I spin on my heel, pushing him up against the wall. "You going to kill me too?"

"Jesus, all of this over a fucking girl? When did you two get so soft?" Roman asks before pushing his way past us. "We have more guys to question for the drop sp I suggest you two get out of your feelings so we can prepare for this war."

I let go of Seth, and he adjusts his shirt. "Let's go."

Jo's P.O.V

"Glad to see you finally decided to show up again." Isabelle says as I approach their front door.

"I didn't want to, but when you threatened my only living relative I kind of didn't have a choice." I tell her, shoving past her into their house.

"At least you're learning." Isabelle says with a smirk on her face.

"Do you have the proof that my sister is okay or not?" I spit, not feeling up for antics.

She pulls out her phone and shows me live footage of her at home with her boyfriend, watching Grey's anatomy. "Told you."

"Now, tell me what it is you needed me to know." I demand from her as I sit down on her couch.

"Have you ever heard of the group Toxicity?" She asks me, and I shake my head. "They are a mafia here in Las Vegas."

"Okay?" I question, and she laughs at my reaction. "What does this have to do with me?"

"Toxicity is run by three men. Heartless, men. They've killed so many people, including families."

"Again. What does this have to do with me?"

"The three men who lead this mafia are Jon, Roman, and Seth." She says, and my whole body goes rigid. "You've been sleeping with the enemy."

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