Chapter Eight

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//TW: Mentions of self harm, mental illness, and violence. Read at your own risk.//

Mox's P.O.V

I slowly make my way into the house. It was too quiet. Normally mom would still be up, wondering where I've been.

It had been a hard couple days on her. The customers at the strip joint weren't being as generous as they normally are. Which meant our meals were barely meals at all.

"Mom?" I call out, and still recieved nothing. The floorboards beneath me squeaked as I make my throughout the house. I quickly pull out my gun from the back of my pants, and search the house. I make it to the bathroom, and open it.

That's where I see her. Her wrists split open with blood pouring out of them. Her head was tilted back, and she was lifeless. "No. Not you, mama." I choke out, and set my gun on the sink counter before going over and hugging her to my chest.

After what felt like hours of holding her. I did call the cops, and I watch as they place her body in a bag, zipping it up.

"Very sorry for your loss, Son." He says, and hands me an envelope. "Looks like she wanted you to have this."

I take it from him and wait to open it until I'm left alone.

"My baby boy, Moxley, I never wanted to leave you alone in this world, but mama was tired.

I hope you don't hate me, and no this was not your fault. Not everyone's battle with their demons is successful.

I have always been proud of you, and even though I won't be here physically, I'll still be with you in your heart.

Please don't be afraid to love. You deserve it so much.

I love you baby boy, and I hope you continue to fight with every part of you like I know you know how."

I suddenly open my eyes. Not realizing I had dreamt the memory of my mother's suicide.

My body was sweaty, and I look over at Jo who was sleeping soundly.

I gently pull myself away from her, and walk into the spare bedroom where I look out the window.

I miss my mother more than I care to admit. Just because she was a stripper didn't mean she was a bad mother. She gave me the only love I have ever received from another person.

She gave me food to eat, a bed to sleep on, and a roof over my head. It was never the best house, but it got us by, and for that I'll always be thankful for her.

"Mox?" Jo's voice pulls me from my thoughts, and I look over at her. She has the sheet from the bed wrapped around her, and the bun resting on top of her head was messy, but cute. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay." I tell her, and she walks further into the room.

"Are you sure?" She asks me, and I nod at her. "You know it's okay if you're not right? I felt you tossing and turning there for a minute."

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