Chapter 2

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Agreeing to Taehyung's offer turned out to be a wise choice. Neither he tried to sell Jimin nor he tried  anything on him.

And as the older had said, Jimin is living with him. He's getting food clothes and other necessary things he needs. He's learning pole dance and exotic dance moves from Jung Hoseok, the best stripper in the club .

Hoseok is the nicest person Jimin has ever met to say the least . Hoseok is such a fun person . His way of teaching is unique and easy. He treats Jimin like his own younger brother. The 26 years old boy has been working in the club for over five years .

Jimin has always been fascinated by dancing but he never got the chance to learn it. He's a naturally fast learner. Even Hoseok is amazed by his effort and dedication towards dancing. The way he's improving he'll be the star of 'PurpleMate' very soon, Hoseok's words. A jeweller knows the assay of true diamond, and Hoseok is sure Jimin is one .

It's been almost two years since Jimin started learning exotic dance from Hoseok. His personality has changed a bit . Before he was a painfully shy kid but now he is confident in his own body. He started working as a rockie dancer as soon as he turned 18 . His first performance wasn't as perfect as Hoseok but it was exceptionally good. His perfectionist self wasn't satisfied with just this so he started working on his skills more and more.

He was getting better and better . His intoxicating eyes, enchanting looks, curvey body, toned legs, narrow shoulders, bubble butt and hypnotizing dance moves..everything was luring in more people to the club. People named him 'Black Swan'. Because he was graceful and powerful like a swan while performing, his aura completely dark like a black mamba . He is the epitome of the succubus queen with his slow and sensual movements. Straight or not, male or female Park Jimin can bend anyone with one look of his killer eyes.

But there were some bad memories in his life too. There were a few coustomers who tried to touch him without his consent. Or those customers who climbed on to the stage to grab him. The security being tight, they couldn't do anything to him. But those incidents taught him that he has to be like a venomous snake when he's working.

He changed his style and got a tattoo on his left hip .

This tattoo literally describes his persona

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This tattoo literally describes his persona . He's like a powerful viper from the outside but is actually like a delicate flower when he's not on his guard.


"Hmm ? Are you sure ?" A man in his late twenties with long dark hair asked as he lit up a treasurer luxury black, inhaling then exhaling the smoke through his mouth . The man looked more intimidating with a gun in his right hand .

"Y-yes M-my lord , t-the drugs will be exported t-tonight" another man in his 40's, said with a dry throat afraid of the dark haired man sitting on the leather couch with his left leg over his right knee. (I can't find the right words to explain his position lmao ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ)

"And if something goes wrong ?" the man asked inhaling the cigarette again ; a sinister smirk playing on his lips.

"M-my h-head will b-be separated f-from my b-boddy.." the other male said gulping.

"Hmm good . Now vete a la mierda! (Fuck off)" the raven haired man said, his voice menacing making the older man shudder . He bowed quickly before running out of the room, literally.

Who is this man ?

"Jungkook-ssi, can I come in ?" A brown haired man said poking his head inside the dark themed room.

"Yes Seokjin hyung. You can" Jungkook answered putting the gun aside.
The older looking male entered inside the room looking at Jungkook who patted the couch indicating Seokjin to sit. Sitting down he frowned at the cigarette in Jungkook's hand.

"Why don't you relax for a while ? You're getting stressed" Seokjin suggested.

"And how do you know that I'm stressed?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow.

"I know when you're stressed. On top of that you're smoking. You smoke when you're stressed Jungkook-ah" Seokjin stated .

"Ugh ! Why do you even pay attention to the smallest details ?" Jungkook groaned.

"Because I'm your hyung and I care about you" Seokjin patted the younger's shoulder.

"I don't have time to relax hyung" Jungkook said suddenly his expression turning serious.

"Yes you have. You're taking too much stress. You're acting like a oldie, you're only 28 for god's sake . I'll make sure you have enough time" Seokjin winked playfully.

"How ?" Jungkook asked.

" Jackson can handle this for a day" Seokjin smirked.

"Hmm but I'm not really comfortable with leaving my buisness to someone else other than you" Jungkook said honestly.

"Aigo you aren't leaving it for a long time . I'm just saying there's this famous strip club I want you to go" suddenly Seokjin's eyes lit up .

"Why ?" Jungkook asked.

"The strippers there are just absolute art. If you find one of them meeting your type maybe you can..." Seokjin trailed off giving Jungkook a suggestive look.

"Doesn't seem that bad-" Jungkook stopped as Seokjin chimed in.

"I know right ! The bar tender there is beyond cute-ahem !" Seokjin cleared his throat realising that he gave away too much information. Jungkook snorted.

"Okay I understand now. Let's see who caught your attention" Jungkook gave a half smile to Seokjin .

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

People, I gotta tell you something (٥↼_↼)
I'm gonna use a few lines/words  in Spanish in this story and I'm using Google translator for that :) So if there's something wrong don't kill me :-D

Bye 👋🏼💜

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