During entire day, his co workers tried to converse with him

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During entire day, his co workers tried to converse with him. Taehyung didn't snap on them as he decided.

  He  just answered very plainly and continued his work.

It's his last  working hour for today, one rich women who is around mid thirties reached cafe. She ordered hot caramel coffee.

Taehyung prepared it very deliciously even though its his last order. He passed  coffee cup to waiter .

Waiter guy took that coffee cup carefully and about to place in front of her.

But sudden moment of her hands  made coffee to spill. It stained her millennial dress.

She immediately stood up and slapped that waiter harshly without  giving any thought .
Even though she is the one at fault.

That incident gathered coffee shop owner's attention. 

Owner immediately rushed to their place, he calmed down that filthy rich women who is ready to hit waiter one more time.

Taehyung observed all of this. His insides churned with anger and hatred towards rich people one more time.
"Just because she got money, she forgot to behave as human. All these people are same"
He mumbled to himself while gritting his teeth and fisting his hands.  

Without his control, his parents death, the way his suffered a lot  after they left him flooded into his mind.

That pain, agony and hopelessness started hitting him harshly again.

So without informing anyone,  Taehyung reached change room where workers wear aprons and take breaks.   

To his luck, there is no one there.
So immediately,  Taehyung took out cigarette pack from his pocket and started consuming toxic smoke furiously to get rid of that pain.

As every time, it worked.   That pain subsided in his heart. After mentally talking to himself, he went to main area.

No one noticed his absence as they are in hurry to please that rich women.

After that women  fight got  resolved, Taehyung took leave for today.

He controlled very well in his first day. He wish he can  remain same for six more days.      

Its evening time, Taehyung went to pick his girlfriend. He picked her up, they reached home safely.

As soon as Jisoo opened their house keys. Taehyung pinned her to nearby wall and started kissing deeply.

He missed her, he missed those shiny eyes staring at him as if he is her only  world. 

Jisoo gasped at that but nevertheless didn't break the kiss. Her heart howled in happiness.
After few seconds, she got the taste of cigarettes.

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