Before she left she was never really a baby person, she only just tolerated them. Even children. Up until they became teenagers, she never wanted anything to do with them. She never had any babysitting jobs, and we never really had any younger kids in the family, so she never had to worry.

"Say, Georgie. When did you become a kid person?" I asked, tickling one of Brighton's feet. He giggled and I couldn't help but giggle right back at the cute garbling noise that he made.

"I took a job when I first got to Canada as a au pair, and I fell in love with the two children I was watching. It was just until I got my student Visa, and could enroll in my studies," she smiled and drummed her fingers on his belly, causing another round of giggles to escape his lips. "I told them I wanted to continue throughout school, because I loved being a part of their family and the kids lives. But they ended up moving shortly after I started back at school. The father got a promotion and they moved to Vancouver."

"Oh no, that's horrible!" Maggie frowned, jutting out her lower lip. "Children make the world a better place, and I'm so glad Brighton is in my life. He makes my world bright, and I wouldn't know what I'd be doing if he wasn't in it."

"I see what you did there," I winked at her. "Very punny, Mags."

"We should get going soon. I know that if Carter is still the same guy he was back in school, that he's probably wondering why you're not home yet."

"Yes, he's still the same in that way," Maggie laughed as Georgia handed Brighton back over to his mom. "I'm so glad we got to catch up, we'll have to do this again sometime. I'd love to see Carter too!"

"Absolutely!" Maggie grinned as she strapped the baby in the car seat. "Maybe you can bring Niall."

Friday night came around, and the group of us made our way down to 12 for the boys show. It was now custom for the Aussie's to tag along with us, seeing as Brooke was dating Michael... not dating Michael? She still won't give me a clear answer on when whatever this is started. She just brushes it off as if it's nothing.

Georgia tagged along with me, which I was okay with. The two of us met up with everyone around eight, seeing as we weren't coming with one of the band, so we could show up whenever we wanted to.

She let out a short squeal when we walked through the doors and she saw the blonde haired boy on the stage.

I couldn't help but laugh to myself at her reaction. She was never this way over any of her boyfriends, not saying that Niall is her boyfriend or anything.

She looked at me with hope in her eyes, to which I just smiled and nodded to her. She gave me a hug before running off to him. I watched as she tapped him on the shoulder, he turned around and engulfed her in a hug.

Niall seemed happier as well through all of this. His smile never seemed to go away, and his eyes brightened at the sight of her.

I made my way over to the bar and asked for a bottle of water. The perverted bartender walked to the fridge, grabbed two bottles out and handed them to me. I took a £5 note from my purse, and handed it over to him. He held his hands up in front of me, and shook his head.

"No need. My apologies from the other night."

"Thank you," I smiled, and turned around to walk over to our usual booth. I met by Brooke, Michael and Calum.

"Hey!" she cheered, jumping up and tightly wrapped her arms around me. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!"

I laughed as we sat down next to each other. "It's only been two days!"

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