26: niall's basement

Start from the beginning

We all stood up after a few minutes and made our way up the stairs, hearing random chants and shouts coming from the kitchen.

We made our way into the large room to ten pairs of eyes staring back at us. The bright lights were glaring at me, and the large windows pointing towards the back yard didn't help. The sun was flowing in through them, and I cowered into Zayn's chest to block the brightness.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" a voice spoke, although I wasn't sure whose voice it was. "Seems like you finally decided to join our party, yeah?"

"Ash, shut it," Brooke grumbled. "Niall, do you have any Tylenol?"

"On the counter beside you," he chuckled to himself. "I figured I should get it ready. I knew you two would be waking soon and once Charli hits the wine, she always has a hangover."

"How does everyone know this about me?" I whined. "Can't a girl have things stay private?"


A while later, my headache had tamed itself quite a bit, and I was able to remove myself from the shelter of Zayn's chest. We had made our way back outside in the backyard, and were sitting around the pool again, some people were back to swimming again.

I was seated under an umbrella, wearing a pair of Niall's shorts which were slightly too big and would be practically falling off if I had been standing, along with Zayn's t-shirt still. He didn't mind, he was back in the pool playing Marco Polo with a few of the others.

"Hey," a voice spoke, pulling my attention to the person who had sat down beside me. "Thanks for last night."

I turned to see Niall wrapped up in a towel.


He laughed and laid himself down on the lounger. "Thanks for our little talk last night. It meant a lot."

"Care to elaborate?" I asked, scrunching my face up while I met his gaze.

He mumbled incoherent, and looking away from me, and deflecting his eyes towards the pool. I followed his stare towards the brunette that was hiding behind Liam, who was chanting "Marco!" to the few around him.

Georgia. Niall and I talked about Georgia. I remember that.

"Oh, sorry. I just wanted to talk to you for a minute."

"Yeah, absolutely. What's on your mind?"

He blushed, the redness intensified by then low of the fire, "It's about your sister."


"Do you have more than one sister?" he asked, a look of bewilderment displayed across his face. "Is there someone else you're hidin' from us?"

"No. As far as I know, she's my only sibling," I laughed. "But what did you want to talk about Georgie for?"

"I don't know actually," he mumbled, looking down and picking at his fingers. "I just... I don't know."

"Niall, you obviously have something to say, just spit it out," I softly chuckled, watching his expression change from confusion, to excitement, back to confusion. "What's wrong, Ni?"

"I just..." he stopped and let out a large sigh. "I kinda like her."

"Yeah I know. We all know," I smiled, taking a glance at Georgia, who was sleeping in her chair. "You really suck at hiding it."

"What? Seriously?"

"Yeah, it's pretty obvious."

"Like, I-I really li-like her," he stuttered out. "Like a lot."

"No shit," I giggled, looking over at him and grinning. "She likes you too."

"What? How do you know?"

"She's my sister, Ni," I looked back to her, her eyes still closed. "Just go for it. You're both single."

"But she just got out of a relationship."

"She told you?"

"Yeah, he was a hunter."

I laughed and looked back to him. "His name was Hunter."


"Just go for it. She likes you."

I shook my head and looked back at him, seeing that he was still staring at her. "Well?"

"Well what?" he asked, adverting his gaze by to me.

"Did you go for it?"

"We're going out tonight."

I stood up, and a huge grin appeared on my face. "Oh my gosh! That's so exciting!" I squealed, leaning down and giving him a big hug. "It's about time you found a girl."

"Charli, shush! She's staring at us now," he mumbled.

I let go of him, and sat back down in my chair. I looked back towards her, and saw her eyes narrowed, casting a glare my way. I rolled my eyes and huffed, crossing my arms. "She's so dramatic. I'm not stealing you from her, does she not realize I already have a boyfriend?"

"Niall!" a cheerful voice sang from the pool. I looked up to see her beaming at him. "Come join us!"

I nodded at him, as he mumbled a "sorry" and ran to do a cannonball into the water.

I'm glad he's finally found someone. I thought for the longest time that he and Brooke would eventually end up together, with all of the flirting that has gone on between them. Now that Brooke is, I'm guessing, with Michael, it's nice that Niall may actually have someone too.

"Niall and your sister, yeah?" a voice interrupted my thoughts, and I turned to see a pair of piercing green eyes staring at me.

"Jesus, Harry. Don't do that shit!" I cursed. "You nearly made me piss myself."

He laughed and scooted his chair closer to me. "That didn't take long with them."

"She always gets what she wants, so I'm actually not surprised," I mumbled, looking back at the group in the water.


Authors Note:

I want to apologize for how long it's taken me to update. I'm in cram mode because I have finals next week, and I've been studying like crazy.

I also actually have no clue where this story is going right now. I have to try and get it back on track, so bare with me over these next few chapters. Please.

I love all of you who actually read this, and you have no idea how much each of you means to me! ❤️️

Please please please check out my second story, English Love Affair. I'm honestly in love with it and I hope you will be too! I have three chapters up, and it's quite exciting!

As always... please comment and vote! ❤️

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