Chapter 21

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As the night went on, Mari was pretty much ready to drop anywhere and just sleep.

"So, how did you find talking to the suitors dear?" Xiang asked.

"exhausting" she groaned in response. "father, your so lucky you didn't have to do this"

"ah, believe it or not, I did. your mother just so happened to be on the chef's team when I'd seen her during my blossoming ceremony."

"I had no clue he would pick me. it was just so sudden" Xiang giggled

"yes, and I was lucky your mother had harboured feelings for me way before from afar or else that would have been highly embarrassing for me"

it was Mari's turn to laugh

"Well, I suppose it wasn't all bad. I did meet one good prince" she said,

"ah yes, I did see you get along with Prince Nicolás. is he your choice?" Jiao-Long asked

"no. he was great but I'd see him as more of a friend than a husband"

"I see. well, do you have anyone in mind? how about that nice nobleman Ayich? he seemed to take a keen interest in you" Xiang suggested.

"ugh, no thanks. he seemed nice but too nice. he just agreed with everything I said. like helloooo? I need someone who will also challenge me. not yes men" the princess huffed

"hmmm. so someone like Prince Felix?" said Xiang. mari instantly blushed and she cursed for how quickly she did.

"w-what about him?"

"you guys seem to be...getting along"

"getting along?" both Mari and Jiao-Long questioned.

"yes. you two seem to be a lot more relaxed around each other. Amelie and I noticed and we have been curious ever since. Amelie was surprised to hear how he defended you from his cousin. apparently, it isn't in his nature to get involved with such situations. but the minute he saw you in trouble he stepped in to help!"

"This isn't some fairy tale mother" Mari chuckled.

"But you like him no?" Xiang asked

"well... I think it may be more than like"

Xiang looked like she was going to burst

"mother please, no squealing. I already had enough of that from Chloe"

Xiang took a deep breath and pulled her daughter in for a hug.

"oh, I always knew you two would fall in love!"

"it's a bit early for that don't you think?" Jiao-Long said. sure his daughter was becoming of age but he still thought of her as his little blossom.

"oh hush Jiao" Xiang scolded. "with the way they would go at each other, any smart person would see the odd love behind it all!"

"it could be one-sided...I mean, none of us have said anything yet"

"well, then why do you not just tell him?" Jiao asked. Mari shrugged. "well, I say you get it out of the way. whatever you feel, just let the Prince know"

"what if it were to somehow backfire? then I'd have to pick someone else at my ceremony. my best option is Prince Nicolás"

the royal couple laughed. 

"I believe it will be fine. you'll see" Xiang kissed her daughter on the forehead. 2now get some rest. it'll be a busy day tomorrow"

"yes. your class will be touring the palace"

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