Chapter 14

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Both Mari and Nino were lying on the living sofas just staring up at the ceiling in comfortable silence for what felt like an hour.

That's because it was

That was until Mari decided to break the silence.

"it's been three days!" she suddenly blurted causing Nino to jump.

"Shat the hell? what's been three days?"

"since Felix and I kissed!"

"Oh ok...wait what!?"

"Crap" Mari whispered. had it really been three days? 

She was so dazed that day that she hadn't told anyone but Tikki about the kiss and she told herself that she would.

Chloe was not gonna be happy to find out that she made out with someone and she'll only be finding out three days later.

"um...yeah we did"


"Three days ago. I just said that Nino"

"Yeah, I know. I'm just shocked. and why didn't you tell me?"

The princess just shrugged

"Damn was it that good of a kiss that the thought of telling the guy you've known since we were three just left your mind?"

"Shut up Nino" she groaned putting a cushion over her face to hide her blush

"I know your blushing under there!" he teased

"I said shut up!" Nino just laughed

"Anyway...have you guys spoken since?"

"No. his family have been out doing I'm not sure what. but still...he hasn't messaged me either. of gosh do you think that he regrets it? was he just playing me? am I a bad kisser? am I Nino!?" she asked grabbing onto her friend's collar, shaking him a little

Nino looked weirdly at his friend's outburst. 'she sounds like an insecure girlfriend' he thought.

"Well...I've never kissed you so I can't answer that last part mari" he began, removing her hands from his collar. "but, don't think so negatively about it. how did it even get to that"

"I may have...provoked him?"

"May have or you did?"

Mari just nodded causing her friend to chuckle

"it's not funny!"

"You totally like him!"

"Leave me alone!" she huffed turning away from the laughing male beside her. she was so not going to tell him that it may be more than that. 

"Does he know?"

"Well, I'm sure he does.  kissed him back when he kissed me twice!"

"Not sure I want to imagine that but I can see where you're going"

"And your girlfriend is going to kill me for not telling her. when is she and Juleka coming back anyway? I was disappointed that they had to stay at the hotel"

"Well, they'll be here tonight when we get ready to go to Beijing Royal Academy"

"OMG, we're going to our old school!" Mari squealed. Nino laughed and nodded.

"Wait..."Mari's face because serious

"What do you seem to know everywhere we're going?"

"Well, if you remember, I am your personal watch guard so I have to know your schedule"

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