Chapter 3

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"I know who you are"

That caught the three of guard completely. Especially Mari.

"W-what do you mean you know who I am?" Mari asked. 'Does she know I'm Ladybug?'

She watched as the girl leaned closer to her ear and gasped at the words that she whispered.

"I know that your Princess Mari Jin-Li"

"Wait w-what!? H-how'd you find out?" mari asked in shock

"What did she found out Mari?" Nino asked

"She knows where I'm from" she hissed back. It took nino a second to catch on with what the girl meant and his eyes widened in shock. So did Chloe's

"So I take it that these two already knew?" Juleka asked. Mari nodded

"If i...if I tell you what I'm about to tell you, will you promise with your whole heart not to tell anyone else until my blossoming ceremony where I will finally be revealed to the world once again?"

Juleka put her hand on her heart and nodded. "I promise. I won't say anything"

Mari smiled at the shy girl. She felt as though she could trust her and her gut was usually right.

Mari explained everything to Juleka. And she meant everything. From her friendship with Nino, a certain Prince, becoming good friends with Chloe...even her being Ladybug.

The main things that shocked the purple-haired girl were, 1) mari was a princess, 2) Chloe and Nino have been dating for the past year and 3 months and 3) Marinet- Mari was Ladybug.

"Wow" Juleka whispered in shock. She then chuckled. "And Lila claims to be Ladybug's one and only BFF"

That caused the other three to laugh

"She's so stupid if she really thinks that Ladybug would befriend someone like her" Chloe laughed.

The 4 laughed amongst each other talking about things they've recently done and how excited they are about the trip tomorrow. Juleka was now feeling more confident around them, even with Chloe present. It was so much more relaxing for her.

However, the moment was short-lived when the terrible three (Lila, Alya and Adrien) walked over to them.

"Hi, guys. I really hope you're not laughing about me" Lila said in a timid voice which was obviously part of her act.

"No everything is about you miss irrelevant" Chloe snapped. Mari counted in her head for what was about to occur next.


Lila burst into tears

'And there's the water works'

"Chloe!" Adrien scolded. The blonde just rolled her eyes and ignored the spineless idiot.

"She wasn't wrong Adrien, the conversation which you guys rudely interrupted wasn't about her" Nino spat.

Adrien was a little taken back by his ex-best friend's tone.

"We would really appreciate it f you guys would go and bother someone else," Marinette said calmly though her stare was intense.

"there's no need for hostility Marinette. we came here in peace" Adrien replied.

"Whenever there's Lila there is no peace dumbass" she spat back harshly. how dare he ask her not to be hostile when she spoke calmly. he's literally watched Marinette be verbally and physically abused.

"Shut up Marinette! all you ever do is hurt Lila and it's not on!" Alya growled as she rubbed the crying girls back in comfort.

"blah blah blah! I don't need to listen to you. and I'm not hurting anyone. I'm stating true facts unlike the human water fountain there" she replied bluntly causing the others, even Juleka to snicker.

"ugh! the nerve! and Juleka what the hell are you doing with these guys! they're bullies for fuck's sake!"

"oh let it go Alya" Juleka groaned. "not everyone needs to be a fan of your perfect princess"

Alya frowned.

"w-what did I ever do to you Juleka. it was Marinette wasn't it, she told you horrible lies about me that made you turn against me. i-i can still get you to meet-"

Juleka cut the girl off before she could continue. Now she understood how annoying the others found her.

"You don't know any of the models or photographers that you claimed to know," Juleka said rolling her eyes.

'Her tears went away rather quick' she thought

"Yes, I do! I-"

"She doesn't want to hear it. Gosh take a hint will you" Chloe snapped before the girl could continue with her lies

"Yeah, take a hint and get lost" Nino commented

"Wow, Juleka. I see you are just as bad as them" Adrien said shaking his head. Alya nodded in agreement

"Shut up you blonde prick! She isn't a spineless and pathetic coward unlike you and the rest of Lila's sheep. She chose to not be another one of Lila's followers and chose to accept the truth. She isn't a bully at all. Neither of us are bullies. She never hit me or call me names or made fun of Nino and Chloe! So don't you start trying to get onto her when she's done the right thing!" By now Mari's face was red as her voice rose as she spoke. Her knuckles were white from gripping onto the table so hard. Nino thought hs might break it if she gripped any harder.

"Your pathetic" she spat with venom. "Evey. single. One of you. I'm glad I'll only have to spend a short amount of time with you idiots in China"

And with that, she packed the rest of her food back into her bag and got up to leave, her three friends quickly following after her leaving the other looking shocked and dumbfounded.

" the sleepover still on?" Chloe asked hopefully as they caught up to Mari.

that caused Marinette to stop and chuckle.

She always had a way to soothe her.

"Yeah of course it is." she turned to face Juleka. "Would you like to join us?"

Juleka looked surprised. "R-really?"

"Of course. We wouldn't invite you if we didn't see you as a friend" hearing that from Chloe of all people had her even more shocked.

"Um sure I'd like to join you Nino gonna be there too?"

"Of course I am!" he replied sounding almost offended.

"Your parents- Tom and Sabine aren't your parents. Who are they?" Juleka asked

"They're my aunt and Uncle. Aunt Sabine is my mother's sister. And yeah she's cool with Nino staying over. Especially since he's my royal guard too.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. So are we heading to your place now or..."

"Not now. We'll all pack our suitcases and then meet at my place at 6" Mari replied.

"Perfect. See you guys at 6" Chloe beamed as she linked her arm with Nino's as they walked in the opposite direction.

"Wait...we still had another hour of school" Juleka realised. Marinette giggled.

"Don't worry. I'll send Miss Bustier an e-mail notifying her of our absence." Juleka felt hesitant but she trusted her.

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