Chapter 18

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Mari went through the rest of the week visiting the academy peacefully. None of their class seemed to bother her.

Master Zhao checked if she was alright and if there was anything he should do.
She told him she was fine and not to do anything, especially since she wasn't hurt and the prince handled the rest pretty well that day

Which reminded her, she hadn't thanked him yet for the time he stood up for her

"Uh, Felix?"

"Hm?" He hummed looking up from his book.

"Thanks. For dealing with Adrien at lunch the other day" She said. She saw a smirk begin to form on the prince's lips.
"I mean, I totally could've defended myself y'know. But yeah...thanks." Felix laughed at the line she quickly added.

"It's fine, princess. Adrien needs to know his place.

"Damn right" Nino fuffed. "That asshole is obsessed with you Mari"

"I can tell," she said shaking her head. It was like how Chat Noir was obsessed with Ladybug to the point where he refused to show up to battles because she wasn't interested in going out with him. "But I'm not going to let him get to me. I hated it when he called me princess though. Ugh"

"If you want his ass beat just tell me and ill show him not to mess with my best friend," said Chloe.

Mari laughed. "I'll keep that in mind Chlo"

The five began to chatter as Chao drove them back to the castle.


By the time the students arrived back at the hotel Adrien's mind was still thinking about Marinette.

He had been immediately pulled aside by Miss Bustier and scolded for causing trouble with other students the other day. Since then, he was then told he had to remain by her side at all times.

He had stormed into his room and there his bag across the room.

How he wished he knew where Marinette was staying but he had no way to track her down. If only there wasn't such a risk at him transforming and finding her. It's been a week and he was restless.

He hadn't actually transformed in quite a while. He said he wouldn't fight unless Ladybug accepted to go out with him.

That was months ago.

"Plagg" he called to the kwami who was sitting on the small desk eating cheese. "Do you know how I could find Marinette?"

"Why would I know?" Plagg replied. He did know how to find Marinette but there was no way he'd tell his holder that information.

"I dunno" Adrien shrugged. "I thought you'd have some sorta power that could make you find her"

"Even if I did," plagg began "I wouldn't tell ya"

"Oh come on plagg I'm being serious here!"

"So am I kid. You need to take a hint and leave the girl alone. I'm pretty sure her boyfriend already warned you"

"Felix is NOT her boyfriend!" Adrien snapped

"How would you know? Didn't you say your brother has a cold personality?"


"Hm. Well, it could be possible"

"Well it isn't"

"Again, you don't know"

"I will find her Plagg, one way or another. I will have her to myself before this trip ends and well have a perfect life together and everything!"

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