Three| Rainstorms and Beer

965 33 3

Y/n was serving tables with her hair up in a neat bun (if u have short hair ignore)

and had a white apron tied around her waist. "What do you want?" She asked while whipping out a small notebook.

"uh...some egg drop soup small" the girl sitting there said looking at her waitress cautiously "Ok ill bring it when its done" y/n said walking briskly away towards the kitchen where Nadia was cooking.

"one egg drop soup small" y/n said and she nodded. Nadia noticed that when the girl talked to her that she tried to make her voice less harsh than towards the customers.

Y/n took orders and served tables only getting into fights with four costumers. Nadia handled them well and now they were on break.

"thank you.....for hiring me" y/n said looking away from Nadia. Y/n felt weird. Not many people would be kind to her.

Nadia smiled "of course I needed the extra pair of hands anyway. And you can be off once my brother comes in" she said to the younger girl.

Y/n nodded looking out of the restaurants window. She was watching as strangers went by. The sky was a light grey indicating that it was going to rain soon.

People walked briskly along the pavement in fear of getting soaked when the clouds decided to open up.

The wind was picking up throwing old news papers and trash along the roads filled with yellow and black checkered taxis.

"Well diets get back to work" Nadia said standing up y/n nodded and got up with her.

Y/n wasnt much if a talker. But it wasn't that she was shy. She will speak her mind if she feels strongly enough about the subject.

She was used to being silent and that was something Nadia picked up on.

Because her brother was a gang leader she knew how to use a knife and gun she wasn't as good as her brother but was good enough to get by. Nadia was naturally a very observant person.

Much like y/n she didn't feel the need to make useless small talk. She preferred watching and observing the things around her. So naturally she noticed that the girl made no noise as she walked.

If she wasnt wearing boots or heels you couldn't hear anything. Nadia thought it was Interesting.

Y/n didn't talk about her past at all and she didn't seem like a very open person to begin with.

But she knew that things around this part if new York were tough and didn't want to pry. It wasnt her business what the h/C haired girl had been through.

The day continued on slowly. Y/n greeting customers as they trickled in. This job wouldn't be considered a a hard job for others but to her it was.

She had to pretend to be friendly and try not to snap at people's attitudes and annoying requests or questions. She was never a people's person to begin with.

The bell chimed and y/n just about had it by now. She was honestly that she made it this far in the day.

Most restaurants would have kicked her out because if a 'unprofessional attitude' but Nadia was different. Y/n almost felt like she could trust her but y/n new better than to think such childish things.

"hello" she said her tone lacking emotion and her expression looking annoyed.

"oh its you" she said her tone turning threatening. "if you want to harm the owner of this store I'll personally hurt you" she said.

Y/n was surprised at the words that came out if her mouth. Why am I protecting her? I just met her. This has nothing to do with me and he knows where I live.

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