𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔𝟐: 𝐁 𝐅𝐨𝐫?

Start from the beginning

When Rabastan sighed, Rune added, "Or at least decent." 

"Well, he's definitely something," murmured Rabastan. 

She groaned. 

January was passing quickly. Half the month was nearly over. She had just over one month to figure out Super Mysterious Guy's identity and she was making no progress. 

As the bell rang to signify the start of the school day, Rune pocketed the ring and made her way out of the dorm with Rabastan in tow. 

She was so caught up in her own ring-fiasco that she completely missed the fact that he looked better than he had in months. 


As Tuesday evening rolled around, Rune and Regulus stood in the Potion's classroom ready for their lesson of Advanced Potions. 

There was a lingering scent in the classroom that had Rune feeling slightly dazed. It smelled deliciously attractive to her. 

She glanced at Regulus from the corner of her eye and noticed his slight discomfort. 

"What are you smelling?" she asked softly before she could consciously decide not to initiate any conversation with him. 

He turned to her and there was an expression of amusement on his face as he asked, "Why would I tell you?" 

"Why wouldn't you?" 

His eyes swiveled around the room as he said, "It's Amortentia fumes." 

Rune sniffed deeply. Unsurprisingly, the scent of Super Mysterious Guy's perfume hit her. 

"Since the fumes are old, it's not very strong. Don't trust it." 

As he said that she caught another lingering scent. Her eyes flashed to Regulus, and she prayed that she was smelling it off him and not from her Amortentia scent. 

Professor Slughorn struggled into the room with armfuls of ingredients. 

Rune's eyes caught on the pearl dust, powedered moonpowder, ashwinder eggs and rose thorns. All ingredients for Amortentia. 

She perked up with excitement as she blurted out, "Are you teaching us how to brew Amortentia, Sir?" 

Professor Slughorn laughed as he shook his head. "And get my teaching license revoked? Absolutely not. I brewed some earlier on to teach the fifth years and am merely replacing my ingredients, Miss Westwood." 

"Is the potion in this classroom?" 

"It's in my bedroom to ensure no wondering students get their hands on it."

As Rune's excitement dwindled, Professor Slughorn pointed at her, "You look quite dejected. Fancy trapping someone with the potion?" 

"I'm just curious about what mine smells like now," she murmured under her breath.

Slughorn joined them at their desk as he placed down an invitation to a wizarding school's Potions competition. 

Regulus pulled the invite to his side to read it closer and Rune tugged it back to the center. 

He pulled it again and she yanked it back. 

Professor Slughorn's hand pressed down over the invite as he said, "The International Students federation holds the Potions Fair every year. And every year, I take the two best sixth year students to the fair. This year it's being held in Japan because the Mahoutokoro Wizarding School's students won last year." 

His eyes darted between Rune and Regulus, twinkling with excitement as he exclaimed, "Hogwarts hasn't won for many years, but I'm convinced this year we can do it. I haven't seen such talented young potioneers like you two in my life." 

𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒕𝒆, regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now