6: 41 Minutes 33 seconds

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Sorry for the mistakes

Nandini's pov

41 minutes, 33 seconds!

Yes, that's the amount of time we talked. It was a casual kinda task but somewhere I have shown my stupidity.

Fine, not somewhere.

He is quite intelligent, The first few minutes we talked about random stuffs and him teasing me in every other sentence, after that he started asking me questions related to Aerospace.

It was like I was giving some technical interview, as one after other he asked another question, and my mind went blank. It wasn't like I didn't knew the answers, its just that I couldn't answer

I was already very nervous and these questions weren't helping at all. I felt like I forgot everything, I couldn't even tell him a simple question of Aircraft Forces

Its only Lift, weight, Drag and Thrust, You idiot!

He mocked me saying "Aerospace Engineer, huh?" which I didn't like but chose to ignore

In all these talks, I got to know that he loves talking about outer space and Aircraft and he also holds PPL means Private Pilot License.


The only thing I ever wanted in my life was to become a Pilot, I remember from the childhood itself I always wanted to be a Pilot. Gazing the sky and counting the Planes were my favourite hobby, it still is!

But as we grow up, we tend to realise what actually is possible and what not? And just like that my dream to become a Pilot will always be my one of the most Precious Goals yet it will be incomplete always

Lets be Frank here, to hold a simple License we need a lot of money and I or my mother don't have that much so that's why I chose to be an Aerospace Engineer, because if not Pilot then I can be a Flight Engineer, Right?

Some dreams always remain closest to our heart yet always incomplete!

Anyways, Knowing that he holds PPL, my infatuation just got Increase by 1000x more. I mean this guy is all in one package.

In the last few minutes, he asked me about my relationship status and stuffs, and I uttered stupidity

In relationship and love department, I get blank very easily. Its not like I don't know about these stuffs but I don't know what happens to me.

In short I messed up!

All my humor went in a black hole and I uttered stupidity from my big mouth.

I have the habit of uttering nonsense and illogical things when I'm nervous and in this case I wasn't any kind of Nervous, I was Ultra Advanced Nervous Max Pro.

Anyways we said bye after 41 minutes 33 seconds and I can't stop smiling. Knowing that I messed up, still I was blushing, Hard

41 minutes is something, maybe there is a hope!!

The first time when I saw Manik, I never thought that I would ever talk to him for this long , but today I did. Its like dream come true.



4 years ago-

" Nandini, come on!  " Arav, my friend said getting irritated

" I'm trying but see there are 5 " I said scared because of the group of dogs standing by the side of park

" Come from the side, they won't do anything. You can do this" Arav tried to motivate me but nothing helped.

Perpetual InfatuationWhere stories live. Discover now