29: Paparazzi

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Sorry for the mistakes.

Nandini's pov

Warm and safe.

Thats how I felt. My whole body covered with a duvet and I was snuggling into a warm, hard yet comfy pillow, the feeling was so surreal that I wanted to be like this forever.

With my eyes closed, I snuggled more into the pillow, when I felt a warm hand around my waist pulling me more closer in a way that my whole body was stuck with the supposedly pillow like a second skin, but wait?

Who pulled me?

Finally Getting some senses back, my mind started working, so I opened my eyes or more like tried only to met with a throbbing headache making me moan in pain

" Nandini? " I heard a sleepy concerned voice which I didn't needed to confirm who is it

Thats when it clicked, I was cuddling Manik Malhotra all this while thinking him as my pillow

Slowly opening my eyes, I met with an intense deep dark brown gaze an inch or two away from me, I was so lost in those eyes that for a minute I forgot about everything in the world, the headache, wedding, job, every single thing.

I would be still lost in those eyes if he wouldn't have checked my forehead and cheeks.

" Shit, you are burning. I shouldn't have left you " he muttered to himself which I heard

" Uhh I I'm F-Fine " I stuttered because of my sore throat

He didn't gave much heed to my words, only left the bed making me shiver with cold and that's when I finally felt pain shoot all over my body. My whole body was burning but I was literally shivering with cold.

" The Doctor is on its way, meanwhile have this " he passed me a tablet.

Seeing me struggling with sitting, he helped me by wrapping his arms around me.

" Now. Listen to me very Clearly, I am abandoning you from drinking anything alcoholic not even a sip " his voice held dominance and a challenge to have any argument.

It took me a second to process that he's burning in anger, I tried to recollect what did I done yesterday but everything was blank after I saw that model face girl clinging all over him.

"Understood? " He asked not hearing any reply, the tone of his voice was making me tremble in fear

The timid me at that moment just nodded my head slowly.

" Great, now rest. The doctor is almost here " he informed getting up from the bed, his voice drastically changed from intimidating to soft

Because of the fever My anxiety increased When he was about to leave the room so, putting aside my self respect, I muttered " You won't stay here "

I sounded like a desperate person, but I have this thing when I get sick that I need my mother 24*7 beside me, and seeing that its not possible for her to come, I just called Manik

" No- umm Yes, I'm just coming in 2 minutes " first he was going to say no but seeing my desperateness I guess, he said, he won't leave.


The doctor prescribed some meds and strictly told Manik to abide me from Junk food, I was feeling too cold to care what he said

The duvet wasn't keeping me warm, I was shivering with cold until I felt the bed dipped beside me

In a blink of eye, I was in his arms or more like on the top of him with my head on his chest and his hands wrapped all over my back. He kissed my hair for the first time while pulling me closer making my heart warm.

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