30: Back to square one?

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Sorry for the mistakes.

Nandini's pov

Maybe, I'm just overthinking. Maybe there is a chance for us. Maybe, Manik does have some feelings for me.

A lot of maybe's

From the past few days, I keep getting this thought that Maybe Manik likes me back and strangely this gives me a weird sense of warmth and peace.

Its strange how a single thought can make us happy!!

I was busy in my la-la land, when the landline phone buzzed breaking my trance.

My smile grew wide, wider if possible knowing very well its Manik. I immediately answer the phone saying a loud "Hii"

Thanks to my bursting excitement!!

" Someone is happy, I guess " he replied with a teasing tone

I shooked my head vigorously only to realise he couldn't see me " Wh-wh-what? No "

" I'd love to make your no into yes but I've a meeting in 5, just called to remind that be ready by 7 for the client dinner " he uttered in his deep voice

" Ye-yes ok" I said before cutting the call

Biting my inner cheeks to stop myself from smiling, I went inside the closet to see what should I wear today.

I'm excited, even though its more like a business dinner but its my first time having dinner with him outside as his wife

God, I'm behaving like a teenager!!


Time passes quickly than I expected it to be, not that I don't want to go but I'm hella nervous.

Yes. yes I know its a business dinner, but can you blame me?

From the past three hours, I tried 8 dresses still couldn't get satisfied with any of it. It happens to me every single time.

Urghh, this is too frustrating

Finally after a number of tries, I took out the one dress which I've wore uncountable times. The dress is like my comfort dress, if nothing is going right, the dress will.

Taking a look at the mirror to ensure everything is right with my ice blue knee length dress matched up with a flat sandals as heels are just not for me, I kept hair open which ends just above my shoulder with a minimal makeup on my face.

Satisfied with how I look, I went out to go with the driver, As Manik asked me to meet directly at the restaurant.


The restaurant was huge and in a very Porsche area of Mumbai, it was just phenomenal with an amazing sight view.

Looking around, I find Manik taking long strides towards me which ultimately made me conscious about how I'm looking?

" Come on. The client is already here, We're late " he stated looking at his phone which instantly made my whole mood off.

Hw didn't even saw me and in this short span of time, I've thought so much.

Hiding my sad face, I nodded meekly before following him

He went to a VIP table situated at most corner of the hall yet the centre of attraction.

Reaching there, I saw two people one man in his late 30s maybe and a lady who looks no older than 22.

The lady was epitome of beauty, she was so confident and beautiful that if I'd be a guy or If I'm not straight I'd have an ultimate crush on her.

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