22: Dinner

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One month passed pretty quickly than I expected. I never met Manik after the beach incident.

However, I did hang out with Mom(Manik's mom) and went all crazy with her.

Manik and his Mom don't live together, he leaves in a penthouse while his Mom lives in a bungalow or more like their ancestral palace where everything screams class, money and royalty.

I went to visit her once, and I was literally awed by the beauty of the place. I remember not touching anything there, not even the walls as times like these my clumsy self love to embarrass myself.

Mumma came to Mumbai a few days back. Seeing her, I got the reality check that Indeed I'm going to get married

I started crying hugging my mother on the Airport itself that How I don't want to leave her?

My mother being more emotional than me also started sobbing saying something about how Manik is, which I didn't care to hear.

In short, we both mother and daughter duo made quite a scene that Jovi has to stop us by telling Mumma about people.

Jovi didn't said anything to me because she knew that I don't care about people but my mother do. A LOT.

After our crying session, we came back to Jovi's. Her boyfriend being a kind gentle man shifted with his friend till my wedding which by the way is in this week only.

When? I have no idea as my mother thought it would be great if I won't know

" Nandu, come on. Neyo has called me like 4 times " I heard my mother voice breaking my thoughts.

Glancing myself one last time, I went outside to go for early dinner with Manik's and my family.

The two of us left locking the apartment, I also asked my friends to join to which they denied saying they have to take care of other stuffs.


Finally reaching the place, which by the way was not any place it was like a hub of famous actors. People here looks classy, rich and smart, while me on the other hand don't fall in any of this category.

My lower self esteem kicked in making my hands clammy, I tried gazing around to stop my awkwardness.

That moment I felt so out of the place. Whenever any person passed by me, involuntarily I started comparing myself to them. While, my mother who is always confident no matter what the situation is didn't look stressed or awed.

She was acting casual, while me? Lets just say dumbest.

" Finally, you guys are here " I heard Mom's voice, turning my gaze towards her I saw a bright smile on her face

She came forward and hugged Mumma tightly.

" Hello Bride to be" she cheered hugging me, I muttered a small hi

Finally we went to our seat, which by the way has the marvelous view. When my eyes fell on a familiar figure sitting on one of the chair, talking to someone

" Manik, enough of your work now. They're here " Mom commanded him and the next moment he cut the call, stood up greeting mumma with a charming smile.

He moved his eyes towards me making me go all blank, but thankfully didn't said anything, only ignored me plainly.


Fortunately or Unfortunately, we have to sit beside each other, because our mothers thought it'd be cute and will give us time to talk.

We didn't had to order anything as it was all pre-ordered, Mumma and Mom were busy in their childhood talk while Manik was sitting there having the starters.

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