26- Manik's pov

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Sorry for the mistakes.

Manik's pov-
(The stupid lazy writer FINALLY gave my pov )


I'm Married now. Manik Malhotra is married. How weird does it sounds!

My mom loves to force me in doing things which I hate, first she wanted me to get married as according to her I'm becoming a Man Whore.

' Manik, I'm so disappointed. you're becoming a Man Whore' This was the exact words which my mother said an year back

At that time, I rolled my eyes saying 'whatever ' which she didn't like and now she got me Married by emotionally blackmailing me that how much Dad wanted me to to get married and all.

Dad !

My superhero, my inspiration, and my rockstar whom I love more than anything passed away one afternoon when I was in 9th grade.

That day was Black day of my life, last day of me seeing my idol and first day of me avoiding the world.

My Dad's sudden demise took a toll on me making me insecure and scared about people closest to me. Henceforth, I started avoiding people or having any emotional attachments with anyone except my mother and the four idiots of mine.

Losing people who are closest to your heart leaves a certain emptiness which can never fill or replaced, no matter whom you meet or how much you try.

And that is what happened to me, recovering and facing the reality was the hardest part which made me a person who stopped interacting except 5 people in my life.

People think I'm being egoistic or just another spoilt rich brat but the reality is I'm scared and can't afford to add another name on the list of my closed ones.

What if again-

Life's pretty much unpredictable, and call be selfish, I don't care but I can't.

Anywhich ways my mother has great persistence skills. She knows I love her the most and take full benefit of that.

And Thanks to Mom, I got married.

That too with HER!

Given a chance, I would have never married her even if she's the last girl in the world.

Anyone but not her. Not her .

Its not like I hate her or annoyed by her, instead she has fucked up my mind by her big doe eyes, chubby cheeks, fiesty sassiness, clumsiness, innocence, childishness, every thing where I'm afraid that she'll surpass the walls I've made around me to protect myself.

This girl holds the power to bring out the best and the worst of me at the same time.

She evokes a different kind of emotions in me, a sense is warmth, peace and safety which I'm avoiding since my father.

There are plenty of girls across the world from supermodels to teenagers who are actually mad of me, its quite normal for me. I never got affected by any one of them except her.

To be honest, I had a number of no strings attached flings all these years, but she is innocent, way too innocent to even think about it.

Just a mere sight of her does something in my stomach where I really really really want to have her in my own way but I'm afraid she'd be broken the minute I'll be done.

Cause I'm not ready for any kind of emotional attachments, henceforth I tries to keep myself away from her as much as I can control.

My mother told me she is the one for me, I immediately denied

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