Part 24

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I blink a couple of times staring at him. Trying to figure out if this was real or not. He stares at me, with a pained expression. 
"I heard what you said on the-" Draco starts before I run and jump in his arms. When I made contact with him I begin to cry. It was him, it was really him. He was here, with me. I cried harder as he wraps his arms around me crying. "I missed you," He mumbles into my shoulders. "Draco I am so sorry I didn't choose... I didn't...I am so sorry...Please forgive...Please don't leave...Draco I love you I am so sorry..." I cry hugging him harder, I can't believe he is here. He is alive. He is with me. Draco. 
My Draco. 
"I forgive you, I am so sorry for what I put you through. I was always there tho, I watched you, I tried helping, I didn't know you were having visions of me. I almost got you killed." I stopped him there pulling back. "No you didn't," "But I left you, Harry," "Because you felt I didn't love you, nothing that happened was your fault," I cry harder meeting his eyes. I felt at home. I knew he would be my home forever. "Draco, I love you I am completely in love with you please don't ever leave me again." Draco shakes his head laughing through the tears. "Never, but we need to figure everything out," I grab him and pull him into a kiss. 
"We can figure all that out later," 
"You're not marrying her?" 
"I'm not marrying her," 

After a couple of hours, I was still shocked that Draco was right in front of me. "Are you going to leave me again?" Draco looks at me for a few minutes signings. 
He fiddles with my hair for a few minutes before looking me in the eyes. 
"I'm not leaving..." I didn't let him finish when I seat back up. "So you will return to Hogwarts with me?" He stares at me. "Harry I'm not leaving you but we aren't getting back together right now, however, I will return to school with you tomorrow." 
"Oh," I felt tears well up in my eyes and try to will them away but I couldn't. I was sad. Really sad right now. 
He rubs his fingers across my cheek. "I'm not saying that we will never be together but we need to start out slow, end it with the girls, be on our own, work together with us." 
I nod slowly looking at the tv he had. 
"I understand that I can do that," I nod my head as I started the sentence. I would do that, I could do that. I wanted this, I wanted him. 

Waking up the next morning was like a dream inside a nightmare. 
For one I didn't want to get up, but I was waking up next to Draco and I honestly never thought this would happen again. 
"Harry we have to go, Snape is expecting me there by lunch, I have a meeting with him after." I moan and roll my eyes. 
"No, let us drop out and become stripper wizards together, they have those don't they? If not we can make a bar and do it ourselves. Become triliaras." I felt Draco roll his eyes at him. 
"Potter all my stuff is packed you're either coming with me or staying." 
I poke my head out from under the blanket. 
"Is staying an option?" 
"Not unless you want to be with me," I roll my eyes and push myself out of the bed. 
"Do you have rules for when we get there?" I question shyly looking down.
"What exactly do you mean?" 
"Like are we allowed to hold hands..." Draco looks at me before giggling. He fucking giggled. I smile at him. 
"Let's take it slow, and not scary everyone yet. Plus I think we have to officially end it with the girls,"
I roll my eyes. "Technically I ended it already," Draco looks at me and I roll my eyes. "Technically I did," 
"I told her to leave my bedside when I was in the infirmary." Draco stops us and stares at me. "When you were where?" 
"I-Um I'll tell you about it later," "Harry I'm serious you better," I nod my head already dreading the conversation. I didn't care to have it but I know you'll have to know eventually. 

We eventually got to Hogwarts. It was right when the lunch bell rings. Draco and I immediately inch away from each other. 
We barely made it into the great hall before the girls throw themselves at us. I immediately sit Ginny down and back up. I eyed Draco. He was still hugging Greengrass, my feelings were hurt but I held my ground I made him a promise and I tend to keep it. 
 "Hey, baby..." I look at her confused and toward Ron and Hermione who was right behind her looking concerned. 
"Ginny, didn't Ron tell you?" Ginny's grin falters but doesn't drop. She looks at her brother then at me. "Tell me what?" 
"Ginny the wedding was called off...?" She nods her head. "Yes because you were sick, because of him," She spits toward him. I immediately stand in between her and him. 
She narrows her eyes at me confused. 
"Yes, Ginny the wedding was called off which means what?" She looks taken back. "Which means we have to reschedule," 
I shake my head at her. "Jeez women get a hint, he is dumbing you," I turn around staring at Pansy's sly smile. "Pansy!" Draco gasps but when I look at him I could tell he was hiding a smile. "I mean we all were thinking it Ginny why are you even with Harry?" Ron asks softly toward the end. 
"Because it's all part of my plan!" She screeches. "What plan?" Draco asks stepping toward. Ginny looks guilty for a moment but going bright red. 
"I didn't mean to say it,"
"Yet you said it," 'Mione steps forward looking at her. "Ginny what was your plan," 
"Harry's famous, we were going to get everything we wanted-" "You mean everything you wanted," Draco cuts her off standing next to me. 
Ginny turns toward him and glares. "And what are death eaters doing in this? We are the savior of the world you tried to destroy," Ron steps away from his sister and glares at her. 
"Harry saved the world not you, I might not like the git but he helped Harry and that is all that matters," Ginny looks at her brother in disbelief. 
"Why do you think Malfoy has been hanging around Harry lately and sharing rooms and secrets?" Everyone freezes including me. She wasn't going to what I think she was was she? "And what exactly is that?" Greengrass asks smiling. "They're friends," 
"Draco over here..." She points toward Draco looking at me smugly. "Draco is only being seen with Harry for two reasons," she holds up a one. 
"One- He's using Harry to get his image back on track, did we forget he did try to kill harry a few months ago?" She looks around us and then back at me. She was starting to get on my nerves. "Two-Draco over here is in love with Harry," Everyone freezes at this. Only four people here knew the truth and for now, it needed to stay that way. 
However, the first one kinda hurt my feels. 
Instead of acting the way she expected I laughed. "Why are you laughing?" She demands. "Ginny I don't think you realize even if he did have one on me I wouldn't care," 
"Which he doesn't," Greengrass cut in. I mentally roll my eyes, she was doing so well. 
"Fine if Harry wants to end it say it here and now," She looks me in the eyes slightly worried. "Ginny we will always be family..." I quickly glance at Ron and then back at her. 
"But we are over," 

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