Part 22

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I woke up and looked around me. It took me a minute to realize what happened last night. I sigh and curl up in a ball. I didn't want to go to school today. I didn't have it in me. I couldn't do it anymore. I wouldn't continue without him by my side. 
"Harry?" I jerk my head toward the voice. 
I scramble up and toward her, scraping my hands on the wooden floor. "Pansy! I was here I swear, I fell asleep and I ran... I tried... I swear... Please... I'm sorry... One more chance..." She gave me a sympathetic look before grabbing my hand. "I'm sorry Harry he told me if you weren't here by midnight to leave. I know you were here, but it was to look. He doesn't want it no more," 
This made me freeze. He doesn't want me? After he made me feel shit for him he walks away? Are you serious? I laugh aloud. "So after everything that's it? Seriously?" I give her a disbelief look. "After everything this is it?" It was unreal.
"Harry..." She starts grabbing my arm again. "No!" I cry pulling my arm away, this can't be happening. "I don't want to hear it." I push past her and run. I don't know where but I had to get out of here. I can't believe me just... I can't believe I didn't... I reach the lake and scream. Tears were falling down my face and I couldn't stop. I just left it all out. I had my chance and I lost it, I wasn't able to be there. Draco now thinks that I don't love him, he now thinks I choose Ginny. I didn't choose her... "FUCK!" I scream out falling to my knees and pulling out my hair. This is too much pain.
This is too much pain. 
This is too much pain. 
This is too much pain. 
This is too much pain. 

I start to feel panic, I did the only thing I knew would help me. I summoned my old friend. Vodka. 
I take the lid off shakingly and throw it into the lake. Swinging it. I sit down facing the lake. I take another sip and laugh. 
"What my luck, always helping everyone else, and can't even get my own happiness. Destined to die." I chuckle and take another swing. I wipe my face glare up at the sun. This isn't fair. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs, but I couldn't I lost my voice. I couldn't go on without him. Why didn't I end it with her? Why didn't I choose him from the start? Why? 
"I'm a bloody idiot," 
"You got that right," Someone laughed behind me. I whip around and see Draco. I scramble toward him. "DRACO!" 
I stop right in front of him. "Hey love," I whip my tears and reach out from him but my hand goes right through him. I stare at my hand before frowning. 
"You're not really here..?" I whisper sadly I look up at his eyes and he gives me a small smile. "No darling I'm in your head right now." 
"Why?" I look around to make sure no one was around me. "I don't know that's for you to find out," "Wait what?" Before he could explain anything else he disappeared. "Wait come back..." I reach out to the spot he disappeared but it was already too late. 
I turn around to see the blonde seating next to my bottle. "What did you mean Draco?" Before I could stop myself I add, 
"Are you dead?" At that, he laughs and looks at me. "No silly, I am very much alive, wouldn't Pansy tell you if I wasn't?" I shrug my shoulders and seat down next to him. This is weird this is really weird. 
"Why are you here?" He sighs and cuffs his heads together. "That is up to you to find out I said that," I grumble at him for a second before grabbing my bottle again and taking a sip. 
"Don't drink," I watch as he tries but fails to stop me. I let out a dry laugh and glare over at him. "Well I'm assuming this," I hold up the bottle to his face. "Is the only reason I can see you right now so if I need to drink more to keep seeing you I will," To make it none I was serious I took another big sip of it. I wince as it all went down my throat. "So how are you?" I ask looking over at Draco, however, I didn't see Draco. What I saw was Draco holding his wand up against Voldemort crying. "DRACO!" I scream running over toward him. I hold mine up toward him and look over at Draco. "Draco what's going on? I thought I killed him??" I sent a sneer toward Voldemort, however, this was a terrible idea because Draco turned his wand on me. "D-Draco?" I whisper looking at the man I love. "You seriously thought I loved you?" He laughs staring at me in the eyes. My mouth falls open a little and a few tears fall. "Draco?" I whimper almost lowering my wand but I tried to hold strong because Voldemort was right there. 
"Potter drop your wand," Draco deadpans glaring at me. Not even noticing my heartbreak. "Drop it now," I drop it without hesitation, and unwillingly. "Draco why are you doing this?" This time Voldemort laughs, I look over at him. 
"You seriously don't get it, do you?" I look at Draco heartbroken before turning to Voldemort. "What are you talking about?" Draco laughs beside him. "I. NEVER. Loved. YOU. It was all to get you weak. To kill you." I cringe at him saying this. "Draco.." I whisper trying to take a step closer to him but he jerks his wand toward me. "Don't you dare come a little closer," I whip my face off,  "What do you want?" They didn't answer me instead sent an unforgivable curse my way. 
"Crucio," Draco mumbles staring me in the eyes. I didn't get a chance to move before it hit me. Sending me flying back in pain. I cry out, not being able to feel my body. 
"Again," I cry holding up my hand, "No please.." 
"Crucio," I let out another piercing scream. "DRACO!" I scream. This was too much pain. I blackout before I could say anything else. 

I slowly blink my eyes open. It was too bright so I cover my eyes. "Ugh," I moan trying to seat up. Luckily for me, the pain was barely noticeable now. I rub my hands on my legs trying to stand up. "Don't stand it'll make it worse," I look toward the voice and throw myself away from him. Pain crossed his face before going back straight. He slowly reaches out for me but I cringe away, scared. I see the pain flash again but I couldn't feel sorry for him he hurt me. He... He used an unforgivable. I... "Harry that wasn't me... I couldn't control..." I cut him off, "How do you know then?" "Because I was there, but I had no control...I'm sorry I tried..." I cringe away from him again. "I don't believe you," 
"How can I prove it?" I look at him for a long time. He couldn't he knew that. "Just...Just stay over there... Please..." He nods his head slowly. "Okay," 
"Why did that happen?" 
"I don't know," 
"Don't lie," 
"I'm not..." I look at him for a moment. "Draco seriously what is going on?" More he could answer he vanished again. I scramble to my feed and look around. "Draco?" I call out softly. I didn't hear anything for a second before a hear it, faint yelling. I look all around me before spotting someone in the water drowning. I run toward the water to help the person. I try to go toward them but I couldn't see them. I duck underwater to try and spot them, and that's when I see Draco's hair sinking toward the bottom. 
I scream and gulp water in before trying to dive toward him, but the farther I swam down the farther he sunk. I wasn't going to reach him. My vision starts going black but I keep pushing myself I couldn't risk him getting hurt. DRACO! I scream in my head. Before I fully blackout I see Draco. 
I can't leave you, and my eyes drift shut. 

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