Part 7-Day Two

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I didn't even realize I fell asleep until I jerk awake and feel something warm and heavy on my chest.
I open my eyes and see a mop of bleach blonde hair and sigh in relief. I run my hand throw Malfoys' hair and realize it's softer than I expected.
"Mm, that feels good." I hear him mumble in his sleep. I chuckle but I keep rubbing his head thinking. 
Friends just accidentally cuddle at night when they sleep. Hermione and I cuddle a lot and she's dating my best friend so it couldn't be that big of a deal. 
I feel my heart jerk when he mumbles my name and grips me harder. I smile softly at him when he suddenly seats up. I push myself up and realize my leg is healed. My grin widens and I jump into his arms. He tries to steady us just barely succeeding. 
"Thank you!" I shout into his crest. Because he is like 6'10 and I'm 5'9. He chuckles and hugs my back. "You're welcome." 
"We should probably head back." He mumbles letting go of me. I nod my head. "But if Ron is still being an ass I'll explode."
We start the journey back. 
"Did you ever find out who your bracelet is from?" He asks me. I touch my green gem. "Nope. I don't know, but I can't wait to find out who it was so I can say thank you. It's my favorite thing." "I'm sure they will be happy you like it."
"I hope I'm not even sure why they gave it to me." 
"Why not trace it?"
"I have," I pause as I start seeing the campground come into sight. "I tried taking it to the store to trace it back. Apparently, they were paid off and wouldn't say. Specifically got hold not to tell me." "Hm seems like they don't want you to know." I nod my head. "Nope, and I don't know why It was such a sweet gesture. Ron does think he is in Slytherin tho." I look over at Draco. He's just staring straight ahead. "Why you think this?" He finally asks. I lift my hand up to show him the green gem. He goes to touch it but I yank my arm away. "Sorry," I mumble pulling my arm behind me. He just laughs. "You're good." I smile a little glad he didn't get upset about this. 
"HARRY!" I see Ron running over to me hugging me. I hug him back slowly. "Are you okay?" He asks pulling back and examining me. "Yeah Draco and I just fell asleep. I was tired." He looks over at Draco. 
"Sorry, mate." I look over at Draco and he low key looks shocked. I smile as he just nods his head. 
"Blaise made breakfast if you want to eat something." I nod my head. "Yeah just lemme get changed." Ron nods his head walking away as Draco and I walk toward our tent. 
"So question. Why do you want to share a tent with me?" I ask Draco as he zips the tent up. I see him tense up and turn around. "Why you ask?" "I'm just curious." 
"I just felt as if it would be fun." I nod my head not believing him at all. 
I stood there forgetting I didn't actually have clothes to change into so I was trying.. Note TRYING to build up the courage to ask Draco to borrow some of his. I guess I could go ask Ron. I turn to the exit to see Draco already on his way out, but he pauses and turns around smirking. 
"You look great in my clothes by the way." He throws something at me and disappears. I look down and laugh. His clothes. 
He is completely flirting with me now. I sigh and change. Why is Malfoy flirting with me? It's just playful banter. 

"So you guys dating?" Blaise snickers as I walk out of the tent. "No. Why do you ask?" Draco deadpans not even looking at me. 
"I don't know. Sharing a tent-won't budge on that, Sharing clothes-even though we can magically bring him some, and disappearing all night together. kinda sus if you ask me mate." 
Draco glares at Blaise. "I'm dating someone you git." 
I felt my heart sink A little. For what I'll never know.
"So am I," I mumble shoving food into my mouth, not making eye contact with anyone. 
 "Hm." That was all that Blaise said. I roll my eyes starting to get annoyed with this whole conversation.
"What do you guys want to do today?" "Nothing," I grumble throwing my plate in the trash and going to my tent. 
"What's his problem?" Blaise asks
"I'm not sure." I hear Ron respond. I hear noise coming from outside then my tent opening. "Go away Malfoy," I mumble not even opening my eyes. "Not Malfoy." I hear Ron say. I peak at him and cover my face again. 
"What is wrong with you mate?" 
"Nothing," I mumble feeling myself being agitated for no reason. 
"I can sense it, man." 
I shrug my shoulders and sit up. Pulling off Malfoy's clothes, I throw them across the tent. 
"Please summon my clothes now," I say a little too harshly. He didn't seem to mind as he summoned my clothes.  Considering the fact is I don't have a wand. I have no fucking clue where It is either because I had it when I fell down that hole. 
He took about five minutes but eventually got me a bag of stuff summoned. 
I threw on my Gryffindor sweatshirt and joggers and kinda felt content. Kinda. 
"You just going to seat in here?" I sigh. 
"I don't know. I just got frustrated. I'll come out in a minute. Just need time to myself."

A minute turned into 5 hours. I fell asleep. 
As I walked out a notice no one is outside. I check all the tents but only find Ron. I shake him awake, "Wh-what's wrong Harry?" I plop down next to him. "Nothing. Where is everyone?" 
Ron seats up and runs his hands through his hair. 
"Malfoy walked into you guys' tent and stormed out mad and walked away. Blaise followed him. I just assumed you guys got into a fight." I shake my head. "Nope didn't see him in there. I didn't even realize I fell asleep."
Ron shrugs his shoulder. "Moody man." I laugh. "Yep," "You hungry?" I nod my head and we go grab something to eat and seat down to play card games. "You know if we can summon a deck of cards, food, and tents why can't we get out?" I ask Ron as he placed an Ace down. " "I think apparition doesn't work here. I think this is a magical place." "Why would it just show up at Hogwarts then?" "I'm not sure but we can only hope Hermione is already figuring it out." We make eye contact and laugh. "Who are we kidding of course she is." "She's probably worried sick. Us being on our own. Probably would have ended up killing ourselves." 

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