Part 1

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"Scared Potter?" Draco torments me as he walks past me on the train.
I glare at him, rolling my eyes but not saying anything because I'm too tired.  "Shut the fuck up Malfoy," Ron said grabbing me and shoving me back into my seat. I sigh and just look out the window seeing the tree fly past us.
I'm not ready for this year. I thought before drifting off to sleep.
"HARRY WAKE UP," Hermione yells shaking me awake. I jerk up and look around half confused. When my eyes finally adjust they land on Ron. Stand up and stretching Ron questions me. "What's that bracelet mate?" I look down at my left arm, touching the semi-new bracket and cover it back up. "I'm not sure the day before vacation started it appeared on my wrist." We start walking outside. "But why a green gem?" Ron pushes farther thinking I'm hiding something. I give him a deadpan look. "I don't know. I don't even know who PUT it there." "It could be cursed! Harry, you need to take that off." Ron grabs my arm and I immediately yank my arm away. "No. Drop it." "But Harry..." I stop turn around and cut him off. "No Ron please drop it. I know it isn't cured." He looks at me for a moment sighs and nods. "Okay, Harry I trust you." 


I sat at the dinner table listening to the Headmaster speak, looking at my bracelet and smiling. It's my favorite thing I've ever received. Twisting it in my hand I look up and meet a certain Slytherins icy grey eyes. I narrow my eyes at him but don't actually feel anything ill toward him. Honestly, I'm just over this feud between us. All because I didn't shake the twats hand in the first year. I roll my eyes and focus on what everyone was talking about. "Are you ready for our first match Captain?" Ron laughs stuffing his face with more food.
"Yep," I say popping a strawberry in my mouth grinning. "But you still got to choose the team." Hermione reminds me of not even bothering to look up from her current book.
I roll my eyes tho. "I know 'Mione tryouts are tomorrow." "Do you think everyone from last year will try out?" Ron looks at me with doubt in his eyes. I close my eyes and the war flashes behind my eyes. "I honestly don't know."
"Everyone is dismissed 8th years please stay to find out your living arrangements." I head snaps up to the Headmaster and glance over to Ron and Hermione. "What does she mean living arrangements?" I whisper to them. They shrug their shoulders but they look tense. We watch as everyone files out of the room. Professor McGonagall clears her throat. "Thank you all for coming back to complete your education, as some of you are aware we don't have room in each house for extra students so during the... Repairments of Hogwarts I had them add on an extra area for you all to live in. Complete with a boys/girls area and a seating room. Since you're adults you're permitted out after houses, alcohol, and to go to Hogsmeade. However, I expect you to be responsible with this freedom." Ron shoulders me and smiles. I laugh. "Now right this way.. you may choose who you room with. But stick with your gender." We follow her out the great hall. "So roommates?" I question Ron. He looks at me with a type of shock. "I thought you were rooming with Malfoy! I asked Neville already!" My mouth falls open. "You.. why..what?" I sputter out shocked. He bursts out laughing. "Of course we're roommates mate. You're my best friend." "Hm" is all I say. "Cruel joke." We make our way to pick our rooms. I fidget with my bracelet. "Nice bracelet Potter." Malfoy sneers at me bypassing Ron and me.
"Screw off," I mumble. "I'm sorry babe I didn't hear you?" My head snaps toward him. "Don't call me that." "Why cause your redhead girlfriend.." I shoot him a glare. "Oh.." he laughs. "That's right Potter couldn't keep her." "You know what you're not even worth it." He steps in front of me. "What does that mean." I look up at him and forget what I was about to say. "Uh um." I close my mouth. "I'm over this Malfoy. Over you. And this feud." I start walking but something catches my eye. I stop and double look. He has a tattoo. That's fucking hot.
My eyes go wide and I walk away fast. Ron runs up behind me and laughs. "He'll never stop." I nod but don't say anything. Surely I don't find him hot. No, I find the act of having a tattoo hot. Yes, that's what that is.
Once Ron and I found our room we start unpacking and magically fixing our room the way we want it. Hey, they're some perks of being an adult at Hogwarts.
I took the bed closed the wall while Ron took the one closed to the door. "So sorry mate but I got a girlfriend so imma need to just.." before he finishes he puts up a curtain. I laugh and push it back. "Really?" He laughs and grabs a coke from his mini-fridge. Fatty.
"Yes. I would like to be able to.... cuddle my girlfriend without fretting you seeing." "Yeah okay." I laugh setting the picture of my mom, dad, and godfather up on my nightstand. "So are you holding up okay? Being back and all?" Ron asks sitting on my bed. "Kinda yeah I keep having flashbacks, and nightmares that feel so real." He pulls something out of his pocket and hands it to me. It's just a small vile. "What's this for?" I question turning it over in my hands. "It's a relaxing potion." "Oh." I set it by my pictures and start to say something but someone knocks at our door. "Hey it's Pansy can I enter?" "Yeah come in!" Ron shouts standing up and walking toward his side. "Everyone's going downstairs for a little party. They'll be drinking and snacks if you want to join." She sadly looks at me. Before I know what I'm saying I speak. "We will be done in a minute." Pansy nods her head and walks out.
Ron looks at me with the biggest grin. I start walking toward the door and he throws his arm around me.
"We about to get wasted."

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