Part 8-Day Three

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I laid awake all night. Eventually, I got up and went and sat by the fireplace. I really need a drink. "What's wrong with you?" Draco says coming out of our tent not even five minutes after myself. I glare at him but don't say anything.
He can't just disappear all day yesterday and then wake up and talk to me. 
"I know you hear me, Potter." Malfoy seats across from me and glazes at the stars. I admire him for a second then realize what I'm doing and look away. "Nothing is wrong," I mumble closing my eyes again. But this time I fall asleep. 

I awake up warmer than I have for the last two nights. I seat up to realize I was cuddling Malfoy. I watch him sleep for a couple more minutes before he spoke. 
"I sense you looking at me Potter." "I was not." I defend myself looking away fast. "Yeah okay, Potter." I roll my eyes and stand up. "Where are you going?" He asks me. I look at him then the tent door, sighing I sat back down. 
"HARRY?! RON!?" Draco and I make eye contact. He jumps up first and goes straight to the front of the tent. He looks his hand over his lips. Telling me to be quiet. "HERMIONE!" I hear Ron yelling. My eyes go wide and I push past Malfoy. I freeze when I see Ron hugging Hermione. I gasp and tears come to my eyes. Hermione meets my eyes. "Harry.." She whispers to me. Tears escape my eyes as I run to my best friend. I reach her and she flings herself into my arms. "Are you okay?" She mumbles in my shoulders. I nod my head. "I missed you 'Mione." She nods her head squeezing me tighter. 
"Don't mind us. Just fourth and fifth wheeling over here." Blaise says sarcastically. I roll my eyes but hold 'Mione tighter. 
"I'm sure Weasley over there is going to start getting jealous if you don't let go of his girlfriend soon, Potter." 
"No. Unlike you Malfoy, I trust my friends and girlfriend." Ron Sneers at him. I roll my eyes and let go of her regardless. She looks at Malfoy narrowing her eyes at him. Not made. But... Curious? 
Before I could even question it tho she looks over toward us and glares. 
"Start talking. You two now." I gulp and look at Ron. We're in terrible. "IT'S DRACO'S FAULT!" Ron yells pointing at Malfoy. I look at Draco with a laugh but he didn't find that funny. At ALL.
Hermione looks at her boyfriend as if she'd ever believed that. 
"Okay, fine." Ron rolls his eyes and looks at me to tell me to begin. 
"So after you looked up in the room we about gave upright? So then Draco came and let us out, HOWEVER, he wouldn't allow us out until we agreed to take him with us. So when Draco finally decided to tell us that that thing was in the library we went there, then Draco and Ron started fighting.." 
"Harry fell in and I tried grabbing him but I fell in with him." Malfoy finished for me not making eye contact. "That doesn't explain how you two got here?" "Well, Blaise magically appeared within seconds of them falling in demanding us to go after them because we had to save our best friends-Which I was going to do anything as if I would leave Harry defenseless with him. So we jumped in." Ron said looking sheepishly. 'Mione made a face and nodded her head slowly. "So after I told you two not to come near this thing. You bribed Malfoy and Zabini to let you out and to come with you-knowing this could have been a death certificate waiting for you at the bottom of this." I nod my head slowly knowing this is going to get us in trouble for a while. 
"At least you guys didn't kill each other." She mumbled almost relieved. 
I nod my head and smile. "Yep. I even shared a tent with Malfoy." Everyone including Malfoy looks at me. 
"Not something to brag about mate." I roll my eyes and shrug. "I was trying to help us get a little at the gutter dumbass." "Harry!" Hermione gasped. I look at her unsure of what I did. Until I realized I had cursed. A nasty habit I picked up here. 
I shrug my shoulders again honestly not caring too much.
"So how do we get out?" Ron questions. "Right right. Okay everyone grabs hands." I catch Dracos' eyes for a second before sighing. 
Blaise grabs Mione. Ron has her other hand leaving me holding Rons and Dracos. 
I feel the blush creeping up as Dracos' hand slips around my whole hand. I look down at them before looking away meeting A smirking Blaises eyes. 

"Hold on tight." 

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