Part 13

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"Yes," Astoria said throwing her arms around me. I smile and pull back from her.
We currently stood outside by the tree. Pansy, Blaise, Astoria, and myself. 
"Mother will be pleased to hear about this," She states seating down against the tree. Astoria seats between my legs and I will myself to smile and to like this. This- This is what I want-What I need. 
I remind myself. Over and over again. Eventually, I will believe what I say. 
Maybe this won't be so bad.

"Well, are you guys going to share a room?" Blaise asks wiggling his eyebrows. Ew. "Probably not. We just got together." She states saving me from denying it. I nod my head grinning.
 "Well Blaise and I are sharing as of today, and so is the Weasley and Hermione." I look at them strangely. "But the Headmaster..?" I trail off hoping that got where I was going. "Since when do you follow rules?" Pansy laughs. I crack a smile. 
"I don't just curious." 
"She won't come to our dorms, she never has but if she does. We are wizards." I nod my head understanding what they're getting at. 
"So everyone's moving in with their lovers?" I laugh. 
But inside I was crying out. 


After spending about half the day, and the last four days in this room I decided that it is finally time for me to leave it. I've made up my mind. I will marry Ginny. She is good for me. She is healthy and I do love her, I will grow to only love her, I touch my wrist that has to green gem that Malfoy gave me. I'm still going to wear it I couldn't part from it, so I did the first thing that came to my mind, I put a spell on it so no one will see that it is there. 
Going without it would cause me too much pain. 
It's my good-luck charm. 
Makes me feel safe.
Regardless of who gave it to me.

"What do you mean you're moving into her room?" I demand staring my best friend in the eyes. Bewildered written all over my face. This can NOT be happening.
"Pansy is moving into Blaises' room so she asked me to move into hers." 
"What about me!" I whine selfishly. I know I'm being hard on him, but I get flashbacks at night if I'm alone. I don't... I don't want to be alone. Not again.
"Bunk with someone else? Or get a whole room by yourself mate." He laughs not understanding where I am coming from. "Who complains about getting a room by yourself." He laughs and I join in feeling less happy about this whole ordeal. 
I sigh. "Cool," Ron smiles and nods his head standing up. 
"Well, then I got to go pack me stuff. I'll see you later at dinner."

I didn't go to dinner. I had a house-elf bring me a plate of strawberries and left it at that. "Finally out of the room I see?" A certain blonde with silver eyes says to me. I shrug my shoulders but don't answer him. So he continues to question me. 
"Why aren't you at dinner then, Potter?"
 "Didn't feel like it."
He sat down across from me not saying anything else to me. Realizing I'm not in the mood to answer any more questions. He might ask the wrong ones. 
I ate another strawberry and offer one to Malfoy, feeling nice. He grabs one and I set the plate on the table in the middle of us. 

"Congrats on getting a room by yourself." He says to me after chewing the strawberry. 
I nod my head. 
"Thanks." It came out harsher than I wanted it but I didn't correct myself. He would know I didn't mean it. 
"Don't sound too happy." This time I look at him. He was already looking at me. Smiling.
"I'm not." I stare him in the eyes. His smile not dropping.
"Oh. Why?" 
I shrug and look away for a brief second. Do I trust him?

It isn't like the whole world wouldn't know. 
I get flashbacks from the war."
"Me too."

We sit in silence for a while. The other 8th years start making their way back into the common rooms. Some lingering some headed straight to their room. 
"You can move into mine if you want." 
My head snaps to Malfoys and I stare. 
He looks away and then looks back at me. "You can move into mine. I don't have a roommate so it wouldn't be a big deal. "Don't you think people would question this?" 
"Why do what they think matter?" Draco asks visibly getting upset by that. 
"It doesn't. But I don't want to deal with it y'know?" Draco nods his head understanding where I was coming from. 
"Well since our rooms are farther from each other we could just put like a door that leads from one room to the other." I smile at him. "That's a really smart idea." He nods his head but doesn't say anything. 
"Well do you want to do it tonight or..." I nod my head as he starts to stand. "Well.. Could you at least put something on my door when your girlfriend is over?" I ask suddenly even surprising myself. Malfoy stops and stares down at me. 
"You heard?" "The whole world knows Malfoy." Malfoy nods his head. "Of course they do," I shrug my shoulders. "Well, I'm happy for you." Kinda. Not really but still.
We made our way toward my room. Making sure that no one was around we entered my room. "Kinda messy Potter." I glare back toward Malfoy. "We all don't care enough to have all our shit organized by size and color." He glares at me. "I don't care about size. Matter of factly mine is organized but color, season, and type thank you." I look at him. He's crazy. "You're crazy Malfoy." He shrugs his shoulder. 
We enter my closet and he makes the trap door. As we enter his room, you can clearly see the difference between our rooms. 
His was neat as fuck, organized to the T, and green. Green everywhere. 
As for where mine is a little mess, no pattern, and red. 
I can take the couch for the night until we get everything figured out tomorrow. I'm assuming you're as tired as myself." I nod my head honestly. 
"Well, we do have school tomorrow.. So we should be going to bed soon anyway." I nod at him and start taking off my shirt, and pants only realizing halfway that I didn't know where to put my clothes. I look up and make eye contact with a smiling Malfoy. "Just put them in my hamper." I nod my head and throw them in the hamper. I didn't really like sleeping in my boxers but if I have to I will. 
"Here," Malfoy says I turn to ask here what but something hits my face, I catch it before it hits the ground. I realize it's the shirt he was just wearing. I feel the heat rush to my ears, but I stop myself from smiling. Friends do this all the time. RIght? I didn't think too much about it before I throw it on. 
I plop on the bed and got under the covers. 
"Are you sure you don't want the bed..?" I mumble already half asleep. I hear him laugh. 
"Even if I did love, you are already asleep." 
I fall asleep with a smile on my face. 

"Harry you have to get up or we are going to be late." I groan and flip over. "Five more minutes. Please." I beg to cover my face so the lights don't hit my eyes. 
"Well, Potter. I would rather my girlfriend not walk in with you in my bed..." I shot up and jump out of bed. 
"Bye Malfoy." I ran toward his closet before he got a chance to say anything else. I did however hear him laugh. I stumble into my room. Already ready to go back to sleep. But I force myself into the shower.

I look up at Ron and 'Mione as they reach the table that I just sat down at. "How was your guy's first night together?" I ask immediately grabbing a plate of strawberries. They grin and I instantly regret asking the question. I shake my head and laugh. "Never mind don't tell me." they laugh with me. I allow myself to look over at Slytherin's table. I didn't see Malfoy. 
"Hey baby," Ginny says kissing me on the cheek. 
I laugh over at her forgetting Malfoy. "Yuck, get a room.." Ron pauses realizes what he said and takes it back. 
"No no don't get a room. Stay out of the rooms." We both laugh at him and carry on eating. "You know Ron I'll sleep with whomever I want." And queue the chocking. 
"GINNY!" We both scream at her looking at her in disbelief. 
"What it's the truth," She says meeting Ron's eyes almost as if she is challenging him. I shoulder her. She broke eye contact and looks over at me. I grin at her and shake my head. "We don't want to send him into shock now do we?" "Maybe," I laugh. "Not today baby." 
She giggles and carry's on eating. 
We finished eating and started toward our class. 
I got the feeling something was about to go wrong, I tried to get rid of it. I kiss Ginny when we got to her class and start heading toward mine, Rons, and 'Mione. When we ran into Malfoy. Of course. I would. "Kiss your little girlfriend?" He snides. It catches me off guard. 
What does he mean? He know we are dating? What is his problem? 
"Malfoy shut it," 
"Make me," Ron steps toward him but I jerk him back almost immediately. "It isn't worth it," I tell him. It never is. 
"What's your problem?" I demand glaring at Malfoy. I thought we were friends? I mean we kinda share a room...
"Nothing Potter," He glares at something behind me but I didn't turn around to look. 
"Then leave us be," 'Mione says "We need to get to class," 
"Of course Miss. Perfect little MudBlood is worried about classes." I gasp at him. I thought he...He changed... What the hell... "WHAT IS YOUR ISSUE MALFOY!?" Ron screams starting toward him again I almost for a second let him. Be Hermione grabs him, and me. I didn't even realize I was stalking forward again. 
'Mione drags us away, but not before we heard what else he had to say. 
"That's right go tag team her." 
I watch as Ron's face goes completely blank, and bright red.
"I'm going to kill him," He states matter of factly when he sat down at his table. 
"I might just let you," I tell him making eye contact with me. His features softly. "Thanks, mate," 
"No one will be doing any murders today," Hermione states glaring at both of us.
Ron makes eye contact with me and mouths, "Later," I nod my head at him. Later. I promised. 

School dragged on and on until my last period of the day. "Practice will start back up next week," I tell my table who was asking about Quidditch practices. A series of happy remarks were made toward me. 
"Ronald please. I'm okay, It didn't even hurt me." I look over to see Hermione literally holding Ron down. 
"What's wrong?" I ask looking over Ron to 'Mione. She looks somewhere and I follow her eyes to see Malfoy walking toward his table. 
As soon as I see him seat down I decide I need to talk to him. I stand up almost unwillingly. "Where are you going, mate?" Ron demands I look down at him and back to Malfoy who's just laughing with Pansy, and Astoria. I glare at the latter girl. Never liked her. 
"I'm going to go talk to Malfoy," I state and walk away. Ignoring Herminones calls.
"Wait RON!" Before I could look behind me I feel Ron next to me. 
"I got your back," I smile over at him knowing if this ends badly Ron will always have my back. 
"Malfoy we need to talk," I tell him stopping in front of his table. Everyone around him looks at me than him. 
He glances up and then takes a drink. "Talk then Potter." "You need to leaving Hermione alone," I pause and look him dead in the eyes hoping he is about to understand what I am going to say. "You need to leave all of us alone." His face drops for a second but it goes back neutral.
 "Literally no one cares about you three," Astoria says laughing and wrapping her arms around Malfoy. I don't know if I grow angrier because of the remark, her, or her claiming her property like that but I did. I go to say something but was cut off. 
"On the contrary, Greengrass-who is on the front page of the Daily Prophet quite literally every day for the last 5 years?" I look over and see Neville standing on my left. I smirk and look back over at Malfoy and Greengrass. I'm not one to use my statue but it does come in handle sometimes. 
"Because he saved the world once." She scuff. 
"I'm sorry but he took on literally the dark lord. Who-Correct me if I'm wrong-Who you guys worshipped." Ron snaps smoothly. Normally I would correct him but it felt justified. "He saved the world more times than you can count." 
"As I've stated Malfoy," I pause and make it feel more dramatized. "Stay away from my friends and myself or there will be problems." We turn and walk away and I've never felt more badass than this moment. 
We seat down and Hermione starts questioning us. "What happened? What did you say?" I shrug my shoulders. "Harry put him in his place." Neville smiles over at us. 
I give him a smile. 
"Thanks for having our back Neville," "Anytime." 

After dinner, I decide to go back to my room, not really feeling like hanging out with anyone. The first thing I do though was grabbed a bottle.
I drink until I stop seeing straight. Wanting to forget everything. "Fucking Malfoy," I mumble taking another sip trying to read my book. 
"Who gives him.." Hiccup. "Who gives him the right to just talk to us like that. Who gives him the right to date that...That...That BITCH" I throw my book across the room heated now. I stand up and start passing the room. "How dare he think...We were FRIENDS!" I start fuming in the mouth. 
I come to a halt when I look at my closet to the door that leads to his room. 'This isn't going to end well.' Was the only thing that went through my head as I made my way over to the door and into his room. 

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