Building up Behind a Mask

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"That's because he's not. And ouch on my behalf, I'll have you know I don't just run around looking for a one night stand... sometimes. I didn't with you."

"What? Are you referring to the night you hit on me?"

"Yes, I genuinely liked you, but you made your feelings very clear before I could even get out the second sentence. That punch hurt damn bad."

"Good..." Cal's shoulders went a little stiff, his eyebrows drawing together. "And by liked, you mean..."

"Yes Cal, liked as in past tense." He physically relaxed, and I laughed. "You don't have to worry about me hitting on you, I like my jaw too much to try that again. Besides, my interests are a little preoccupied at the moment."

"So... how long have you and Emiya been a thing?"

"Hmm, that's a hard question to answer, because I think anything between last night and before I met him would be correct."

"How does that make any sense?"

"Don't ask me, I wouldn't know."

He huffed a laugh. "How did the two of you meet anyway?"

"I found him half dead in the snow. Nurtured him back to life. It was very romantic."

"Oh I bet."

"I'll have you know, your sarcasm is not appreciated."

Cal laughed, "I can't help but feel bad for Emiya now."

"Hey, I'm not that bad!" Cal just had a playful smirk on his face.

"Yeah, yeah. So explain to me how a guy like him ended up with you if it wasn't for the thrill."

"Believe it or not, he was actually the first one to make a move on me... sort of. It's all very confusing, but like I was saying before, we had a connection before I even met him. After a lot of work on my end, and a lot of restraint on his end, last night, we finally managed to work it out."

"Hmm... still I think it's odd, but I'm not against it, as long as the two of you don't turn into love sick airheads."

I threw up my hands again, "I can't make any promises on that end, but we won't let it interfere with our work, if that's what you're getting at."

"Good. Now, I'll see the two of you at the barracks later today. Sadly, I have another meeting to attend to." He got up to leave, but I caught his wrist.

"Hey, tonight, you come here. You said you'd have a drink with me, and you never showed."

He sighed, "I'll try, Setanta." My hold on his wrist never loosened, instead my eyebrow shot up. "Alright, I'll be here."

"Glad to hear it." I let go of him and smiled. Cal smiled too, though only a little. "See you, Cal."

"See you, Setanta."

Once the inn door had closed, there was no hesitation in me as I raced back up to Emiya's room. Legs hung over the side of the bed, he was sitting up rubbing his incredibly messy hair. His eyes softened as they settled on me. "That was an odd night," He said, stretching his arms and back, allowing me the pleasure of watching his muscles move. "I don't know the last time I slept that long without in turn being under physical distress.

"Me neither," Emiya seemed to pull me in like a magnet as I moved over and sat beside him. "But damn did it feel good."

He chuckled at my comment, and laid his head on my shoulder. My hand, almost on instinct, gently tickled his bare back. "Yes, it did feel good, definitely now with all that stress gone.... But still... I can't help but wonder if I made the wrong choice."

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