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Dream stood at George's dorm. His hand had suddenly gone limp, not being able to move it at all. He stepped closer to the wooden door, maybe picking up some courage on the way.

The blonde took a deep breath, and gently placed his hand onto the cool metal door knob. With being in such close proximity of the door, he could hear George's fan whirring from inside the room, and... sobbing?

Dream's eyes widened at the sound. His whole body froze in place; he was paralyzed for a good minute or two.

His brain was malfunctioning. George was never the type of person to let out his emotions. He just just balled them up like a piece of paper, and stuffed them down deep until he would hopefully forget about them.

Dream stood outside the door, listening to the faint cries. Each sob ripping out a fraction of his heart every time.

Even though he rejected him, Dream still had the biggest soft spot for this boy.

Dream twisted the knob the the door, opening it fairly quickly.

George's head snapped to his door, bloodshot brown eyes met with green, and George's tears became uncontrollable. He stuffed his face into his hands, too focused on his tears to feel any type of embarrassment.

Dream haphazardly sat next to the brunette before he was attacked by George in a bear hug. George buried his head into Dream's chest, wet patches in the cloth of his t-shirt forming from his tears. Dream held the boy tight, trying to help him match his breathing pattern to calm down.

"Ssh, it's okay. Don't cry, it's okay. Everything's okay." Dream whispered to George.

The shorter hiccuped. "Dream, I ruined everything, I don't know what's wrong with me. I love you, I love you, I love you-"

Dream's eyebrows knitted into confusion. "Oh angel, you didn't ruin anything," The blonde stopped mid-sentence after he had realized what he'd said.

"God, I'm sorry-"

Dream was cut off by George's lips on his, conducting an electrifying kiss. It was soft and sweet, nothing like the one Dream initiated earlier. It was short but saccharine. Sugar made its way into his blood stream and coursed through his veins, tossing him into a heightened state he never wanted to depart from. George eventually pulled back, Dream crashing down from his delightful sugar high. The two were quiet for a moment, staring into each other's eyes longing for something greater.

George was the first to speak.

"I love you. Like, a lot."

Dream tried stifling his laugh, but to no avail. He couldn't celebrate too quick, though. What if George isn't thinking correctly?

"George? Are you, like, hopped up on drugs or something? This isn't like you, I think you need some sleep-"

"I don't need sleep, Dream." George interrupted the blonde, eyes trained on each other.

"I need you."

Dream felt as if he was going to melt at George's words. The brunette's turn of phrase shot into Dream's veins and made him feel like he was floating. George was like a drug. His heart pounded faster than ever and he could feel it pulsate in his ears. His lip quivered. How was this real? Was he dreaming? Hallucinating, maybe?

After what felt close to eons, Dream spoke in a hushed manner. "I need you too, darling."

George gave Dream the biggest smile and pulled him close.

"Cuddle me." George demanded.

Dream ultimately obliged, spooning George and playing with his dark brown locks.

"You have no idea how much I've wanted this, George. How much I've wanted you." Dream whispers into the crook of George's neck, half expecting him to not reply.

"Me too, even as much as I wanted to deny what I was feeling for you."

Dream smiled into George's neck, pulling the boy impossibly closer.

"I'll love you for eternity, George."


out of my league//dreamnotfound जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें