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A/N: so sorry if there are any misspelled words and such, i don't really feel like rereading this rn




Dream rolled over to meet his vibrating phone on his nightstand. 'who is calling me this late?' He thought.

He picked up the rectangular device and pointed the screen to his face, the light illuminating his features. Dream squinted his eyes to be able to see the screen clearer, his breath hitching when he realized who it was.

george <3

🟢 🔴

Dream sat in shock, he was barely able to form an eligible thought. Every word he had once known was wiped clean off of his tongue.

Without a second thought, he picked up.

Dream instantly regretted his decision. He navigated his way to the 'end call' button, but was soon stopped by muffled sobs on the other end of the line.

"D-Dream?" George asked, wiping his nose with his hoodie sleeve.

"Hello?" Dream asked, nonchalantly

Nothing was heard on the other side of the phone.

"Why are you calling me, and what do you want?" Dream said, rubbing his temples.


"George, i am going to hang up if you don't answe-"

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry..." He finally spat, more sniffles could be heard on the other side.

Dream wasn't fazed. He let out a huge huff, before speaking again. "Sorry for what?" He asked sarcastically.

George went silent, once again.

Dream scoffed and shook his head in disbelief. "George, you're really pissing me the fuck off right now-"

"Dream, I told you I'm sorry I-"

"I don't give a fuck if you are sorry, okay!?" Dream yelled into the phone, forgetting that it was very late at night. A small whimper could be heard from George's end of the line.

"I.... I'm done with this George." Dream said, his anger rising each second.

"No, please, Dream. Please wait." George begged, tears falling down his cheeks.

"Why? Just so you can continue to say you are sorry and guilt trip me into forgiving you?" Dream sneered, his words laced with venom. "I'm not even upset that you don't like me back, it's that at our first huge concert you ditched us for that girl. You got up and ran away, not even thinking to help us clean up after the concert. You only thought about yourself. You, you, you!"

George sat speechless on the other end of the line.

"Do you see the problem here, George?"

George remained silent, pissing dream off even more.

"I'm done with your shit." Dream said into the phone.

George said nothing.

"Just answer this one question, George. Why did you call me?" Dream sighed. He wanted, no, he needed to hang up, but he couldn't find it in him.

George stayed as quite as a mouse.

Dream was fed up. He snatched the phone away from his ear, and right before he pressed the 'end call' button, he could start to hear George finally open up.

"Fine, Dream. I called you because-"


Those three beeps signalized that the call had ended.

"Shit, shit, shit!!" Dream exclaimed. If he was just a little more patient, he would've heard the reason George called him.


Tears rolled down George's face when he saw that the call had ended.

"I called you because i realized my feelings." George cried out into the empty room.

Nobody heard him.

Or that's what he thought.

A/N: dream rage quit George LMAOO
so sorry for the such short chapter :(  this story is coming to an end, though i have no idea how to end it 😭😭😭
thank you guys so much for the support and remember to eat something and drink water!

also, vote, maybe??

words: 627

out of my league//dreamnotfound Where stories live. Discover now