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Dream sat in his bed, staring up at the popcorn ceiling, doing the one thing he does best: over thinking.

'Maybe I should just bite the bullet and call George back. It could've been something important he wanted to tell me, or it could've been that he doesn't ever want to see me again.'

Dream groaned as he turned his body over to face his nightstand. He picked up the glass rectangle that gingerly sat on the table, looking at the time.

'1:47 am'

"What the hell" Dream whispered under his breath, rolling his eyes bitterly at his insomnia.

His phone clattered on the cheap wood as he rolled over onto his back.

Dream closed his eyes, praying that he would finally fall asleep.

'What if George genuinely needed to tell me something and I iced him out...'

Dream threw his hands into his hair, gripping the roots hard enough to pull them out.

'No yeah it was probably something really important.... Should I go see him? He is always up at un-godly hours of the night anyway...'

Dream thought about the idea for a second, the tight grasp that once held his blonde locks in a choke-hold  type grip was now being eased.

'You know what,  fuck if. I have nothing left to lose.'

Dream swung his legs over the edge of his bed, reaching for his phone on his messy bedside table.

He grabbed a random hoodie that sat over his desk chair, and threw it on. After that, Dream was out the door.

He swiftly walked down the hall, making sure to not make too much noise since it was around 2 in the morning.

Dream had the way to George's dorm memorized.

While Dream was getting closer to his destination, everything hit him at once. In hindsight, his spontaneous decision was not looking the best right now.

'Wait what the fuck am I doing?' Dream thought. 'There is no way in hell he wants to see me right now.... Nonetheless talk to me.... Oh my god what did I get myself in to.'

But before he knew it, Dream stood in front of the place he'd never thought he'd be hours prior.

The dorm number read: '404'

Chapter 21: done :D
Really proud of this chap, I like it a lot even if it is a shorter one.
Sadly, I do believe this story is coming to an end :(( I have a new AU in mind that I'm super excited about though!!
I hope you lovely people are having an amazing day/night, and I'll see you guys soon in the next update! <33

Words: 444

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