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a gust of hot air flew into their tiny dorm room. dream tapped the pen on the notebook trying to think. "i'm baaaaack!!" karl shouted coming into the room.

karl was another one of their close friends they had met in middle school. he was in the same position as dream, not many friends and ate lunch by himself. when they sat by him and asked him about stuff he liked, his face lit up. he started to talk about a game called 'minecraft' they had never heard of before. he invited them to his house to play that weekend, and they stayed up all night beating the ender dragon. they have all been best friends ever since.

"finally, what took you so long?" nick asked grabbing his soda. "they didn't have any monster, so i had to look all around campus for one!" karl giggled. "now THATS an addiction." george laughed. dream sat staring at the piece of notebook paper.

"still can't think of a name?" karl questioned looking at dream. "yeah it's kinda hard when you don't have any help" dream said, hinting at george and nick on their phones. "yeah, nick we should probably be helping" george volunteered. "i gave him my ideas!" said nick. "well sorry to break it to you, but 'pen*s' isn't a good band name." george teased. "what are you talking about?!? it's an amazing name!" nick criticized. "settle down kids, settle down." dream said.

for the rest of the day the boys went back and forth on names.

"what about.... MONSTER" karl rejoiced. dream, nick, and george blew up into laughter. "i'm pretty sure that copyrighted." dream said as he let out a wheeze. "it has to have something to do with something we all love." nick said. "easy," george chimed in. "minecraft." he said with confidence. "yeah..." dream noted. "wait george, you're onto something.". "what about.... 'the end'?". karl shared. everyone's eyes lit up. "THAT IS PERFECT!" yelled dream. "YES I LOVE IT!" exclaimed nick. "ME TOO!" george replied.

the boys then began deciding on who would do what.  thankfully, they had all played intruments as kids, so they didn't need to look into it too much.

after making many decisions, they decided nick would be on the drums, karl and dream would be on the guitar, and george would be the lead singer.

they had the name, and who would play what, but now for the hard part: buying all of the equipment.

"i have some old friends that used to be in a band!" george remembered. "i could ask them for their old stuff or where to buy new stuff!" george exclaimed.

"awesome!" everyone cheered. george's face lit up at the praise. dream noticed his smile for the first time. and his deep chestnut eyes. it was intriguing. he was feeling a way he had never felt before.

'what am i doing?' he thought. 'snap out of it. george is one of your best friends.'.

"i hope it's cheep, though." karl said. "if i won't be able to afford monsters after buying that guitar, i don't know what i'll do!" the room erupted into laughter, all but dream. he was still thinking about why those thoughts of george were crossing his mind. george noticed dream zoned out. "hey dream, are you okay?" george asked. dream jumped. "what? oh, yeah- uh, yeah i'm fine" dream said, taking a sip of his drink.

"okay, everyone go get some rest, we have a long day ahead of us!" karl shouted. "and why is that?" george asked. "we have to find a song to sing!" karl giggled. george and nick started to giggle with karl, but dream fell into a haze.

he started thinking about george again. he studied george as he got red from the laughter. how his smile was just perfect and-

'no, stop, you're doing it again. stop.' he told himself.

'what's going on?' he pondered.

"ok but for real now everyone go to bed." karl demanded. everyone slowly left going back to their dorms for the night. dream thought all of his thoughts about george were just because he was tired, considering he had been thinking about the band the past couple of nights and not getting very much sleep.

he decided to just get some rest and that he would be better in the morning.

but, he was wrong.

(words: 738)

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