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Illumi's pov

Chrollo's injuries were bad. They didn't seem critical, but they could easily become infected. I picked him up and slowly carried him back to the arena, being careful not to drop him. Why did Hisoka have to go this far? If Chrollo were to die, I would make sure Hisoka regretted it in every waking hour.

"I'm okay," Chrollo said once we got back to my room. "Pass me my phone. This isn't anything Machi can't fix."

"You're an idiot at times," I said before handing him his phone. "You can't even stand on your own.

"You love me really," Chrollo chuckled before wincing in pain. "He really did a number on me, didn't he?"

I just rolled my eyes and tried to stop the blood as best I could. Chrollo explained the situation to Machi wo started yelling at him through the phone. I left the room and pulled out my own phone, calling Hisola as I walker around the room.

"Ah, Illu-chan," he parrctically purred in a way that made my skin crawl. "Missed me already? I didn't know you loved be so much."

"Shut it, clown," I said coldly. "I'm going to kill you when we fight. I don't care where, and I don't care when. Just be prepared to die."

Hisoka just laughed at that. "I suppose I can go through the details one last time. Unless you want us to fight sooner? Maybe, I don't know, tomorrow night?"

"Fine," I spat down the phone at him. I quickly glanced over my shoulder at the open door, to where Chrollo sat on the bed and smiled softly. I was doing this for him. Hisoka wouldn't get away with hurting him. Not this time. "We'll fight tomorrow night, same place as today."

"Does nine sound good for you? In the evening, of course. I know how... sensitive you are about your-"

"Enough," I growled, causing Chrollo to look over at me with a worried look. "Tomorrow night, nine p.m. I'm going to make you regret everything you've ever done to me."

With that, I ended the call and flopped down onto the sofa. Chrollo joined me soon after, burrowing his head underneath my chin. His hair was soft, tickling my skin softly as he pressed gentle kisses into my neck. I let out a soft sigh and wrapped my arms around him.

"You're making me go soft," I murmured as I pressed my lips into his hair. "I feel like could stay like this forever."

Chrollo chuckled and looked up at me, a smile causing his large eyes to crinkle at the corners. "Oh my. The great Illumi Zoldyck, turned soft by me, Chrollo Lucilfer. Never thought that could happen."

I hummed softly and gently brushed my fingers up and down his sides, comforting him. "It is strange. But a lot has happened in a year. I guess I'm... grateful for it all. In a strange way."

I watched Chrollo sit up and worry his bottom lip between his teeth. I could see that he was still in pain and I sighed, wrapping my arms around him.

"When will Machi get here?" I asked, kissing his chin.

"Tomorrow morning," he replied quietly.

I gently picked him up and sat him next to me, noticing that the bleeding had started again. He was going to die at this rate if he wasn't careful. The thought made me shake my head and smile softly.

"Let me clean your wounds," I said to him. "I've got some bandages in the bathroom, I can tend to you in there. Then we can go to bed and forget about this whole thing until tomorrow, okay?"

Chrollo nodded and I knew he was tired. He was the type of person to never really show it though. I could only tell because of the slight redness in his eyes, and the way he held his body in a slightly droopy manner.

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