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Illumi's pov

  I was stupid. Why did I make that deal with Hisoka? I could have killed him at any time, there was no need for all of that. I was weak. I deserved whatever Hisoka would do to me. I deserved to die.

  Sitting alone in my room, I wondered what Chrollo would think of my agreement with Hisoka. He would probably support me but think that I was stupid. I wouldn't blame him. Still, I did rope him into this.

  I picked up my phone and contemplated calling him. He did deserve to know. But something was stopping me. I felt guilty, and although I hadn't had much experience with emotions, I knew that I didn't like this one.

  Chrollo was the only person I would consider an ally, and maybe even a friend. I did tell him I thought of him as a friend. And I did.

  Sighing, I flopped onto my bed and remembered the first time I met Chrollo all that time ago. It was before the hunter exam and Hisoka had just joined the Phantom troupe.

  "Look, Illumi," Hisoka said.
  I looked up from my book and glared at him. What was he even doing at my house? Whatever. He was topless, and I saw a large spider tattooed on his back with a number four in the centre. So he had joined the troupe.

  "One day, I'm going to kill the leader of the troupe," he said happily.

  "It won't be an easy fight, Hisoka," I replied. "My father said he was incredibly difficult to kill."

  Hisoka just laughed and pulled me out of my room. I threw my book at him but he dodged it easily, still laughing.

  "Let go of me, you clown," I yelled at him. "Where are you even taking me?"

  "To visit Chrollo, of course," he replied.

  I just shook my head but let him drag me away. I doubted the leader of the Phantom Troupe would want to see me, but whatever. I knew better than to stop Hisoka when he was in one of these moods. It would only end badly for me if I did.

  After an hour of running, we arrived at the airport. Apparently, Chrollo was living in Meteor city, and it would take nearly a whole day to get there. I sighed in annoyance but sat down next to Hisoka, who was telling me about how he would murder Chrollo. I fell asleep after a while and only woke up once we got to the wasteland.

  Hisoka led me around large piles of junk before stopping outside of a small, run-down church. I blinked a couple of times before the door opened to reveal a man standing there. He was slightly shorter than me and had black hair with dark grey eyes. His features made him look quite handsome, and the glare he had directed at Hisoka was very funny.

  "What are you doing here?" He asked the stupid magic clown.

  Hisoka just smiled at him and pushed me towards the open door of the church. I blinked and held my hand out towards the man awkwardly. He gave me a warm smile and shook my hand. I gave him a smile back.

  "I'm Chrollo Lucilfer," he said to me. "Why don't you two come in? I need to have a word with Hisoka anyway."

  I smiled at that memory. Chrollo always seemed so nice to me. He was my friend after all. I suppose I should tell him about the agreement I made with Hisoka. I dialled his number and he picked up after the third ring.

  "Hey, Lumi," he said. "Is everything okay?"

  I took a deep breath and told him everything that happened with Hisoka. He was quiet for a while and then started laughing softly.

  "I haven't even been gone a day, and you already say that someone can kill you," he chuckled. "I'll be back in a few days, and we can talk about it more then, okay?"

  "Okay," I sighed. "I'm sorry for being stupid."

  "Illumi Zoldyck, don't ever call yourself stupid," Chrollo said. "I'll be back in a few days, so until then, don't try to provoke Hisoka again, okay?"

  We continued talking and Chrollo told me about how Feitan and Phinks nearly destroyed everything. Apparently, Phinks punched him and Feitan used Rising Sun. I'm surprised that no one had died and I started laughing. Chrollo laughed as well and a large crash came down the phone.

  "I have to go," he said hurriedly. "I'll talk to you later. I l- just keep yourself safe."

  He ended the call and put my head in my hands. He was going to say something at the end, but he stopped himself. What was he going to say? He wasn't... no. He didn't love me. No one did. Hisoka proved that when he betrayed me. But if he did, how do I feel about him?

  Chrollo's a friend. My feelings for him are just platonic, surely. It's not like I have good experiences with feelings anyway. But I did find it hard to sleep without him, and he always knew how to comfort me. I suppose loving someone like Chrollo wouldn't be too bad, at least not as bad as being with Hisoka anyway.

  Maybe I did love Chrollo. It was hard to tell. I would be sad if anything happened to him. I should tell him how I feel once he gets back to the arena. If he doesn't like me back, then I'll just accept that and we can stay friends. And if he does like me back then I'll have someone to help me with my goals.

  I walked into the living room and poured myself a glass of wine. Chrollo would be back in a few days. I wouldn't sleep until then, but I'm used to that. I spent the rest of the evening drinking and thinking about Chrollo before turning on some Mozart and just relaxing. It was nice.

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