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Illumi's pov

  I wanted to hurt him. I wanted to make him feel at least a fraction of the pain he caused me. I wanted to make me suffer. But I would have to wait for now. Chrollo and I made our way to the 200th floor within a few hours, and we were now seated to watch Hisoka's fight. We heard he was fighting today and Chrollo stole a couple of tickets off of a weird kid and a guy with glasses and an untucked shirt. They knew nen, but they were pretty weak.

  I sat close to Chrollo and put my head next to his as Hisoka walked into the arena. The crowd seemed to love him and were cheering his name loudly. I whispered into Chrollo's ear as Hisoka noticed us and he frowned slightly before smiling and blowing a kiss. I let some of my bloodlust seep out as I glared at him, but he ignored me. I was about to do something before Chrollo placed a hand on my thigh, calming me down.

  "We can go back to your room if you want to," he said to me as the fight began.

  I shook my head and concentrated on watching the fight. "I'll be okay."

  Hisoka was very skilled at fighting and he seemed to be showing off more today. His opponent was physically impressive, though his abilities were nothing compared to Hisoka's. I watched with wide eyes as he started to beat his opponent, not even telling them about bungee gum. He seemed to be enjoying this fight a lot and it was soon over. He was standing over his opponent's mangled body and had a creepy smile plastered on his face. I wanted to kill him then, but Chrollo's hand on my thigh stopped me.

  "I think we should go, Illumi," Chrollo said. "Hey, I can do your tattoo for you if you want. Do you know where you want it?"

  "I know exactly where I want it," I growled, not taking my eyes off of Hisoka.

  "Great, now let's go before you kill someone," he said calmly and started to gently pull my arm.

  We walked back to my room, but we bumped into Hisoka on the way there. I glared at him and then punched him in the face. All my anger for what he did to me came out in that punch, and I heard his nose break. Good. I wiped my fist on his stupid top and folded my arms.

  "I suppose I do deserve that," he chuckled, licking the blood dripping down his face. "How have you two been?"

  "You're a real piece of shit, Hisoka," Chrollo said. He was holding my arm to stop me from killing Hisoka where he was standing. "I hope Illumi kills you slowly."

  I smiled at Chrollo and Hisoka started laughing. I glared at him and turned away, wanting to get out of there. He was starting to disgust me at that point. If I had stayed there, he would have been killed, and I don't want to kill him just yet.

  Chrollo and I got to my room and I flopped down onto the bed. I pulled a pillow onto my face and screamed into it. I hated myself and Hisoka. Why did everything have to be like this? I felt the bed shift next to me and I turned to look at Chrollo, who was stroking my hair.

  "Why didn't you kill him?" He asked.

  "I-it wasn't the right time," I replied.

  Chrollo hummed in response and started running his fingers through my hair and down my neck. I moved the pillow from my face and closed my eyes.

  "Do you want me to do the tattoo now?" Chrollo said as he summoned his book.

  I nodded my head and smiled at him. "Yeah, thanks."

  Chrollo smiled at me and I took off my pants. I pointed to a scar on my thigh, and I was surprised at how visible it was. Chrollo blinked a couple of times when he saw the scar, then blushed slightly.

  "Um, if you want it there, then you need to, er, remove your, um, your underwear," Chrollo stuttered.

  "Sure, do you need me to cover up or anything?" I asked him as I pulled my boxers off.

  Chrollo smiled and shook his head. "It's okay. The scar's pretty high up on the leg, so it's better without anything."

  I sat back on the bed and Chrollo moved my leg into the right position. He used his book and summoned a tattoo machine. I was a little surprised that he could do that. He moved between my legs and started on the tattoo. It was quite painful, and I found myself clenching my jaw as the needles poked my skin. Chrollo's hands felt nice though, and he kept giving my other leg gentle strokes every time I was hurting.

  After a few hours, he was finally done. I looked down at my leg and smiled. There, covering the scar Hisoka left me, was a spider with twelve legs. The number four was on its body, and I found myself growing sad again.

  "Four was the only one I could do," Chrollo muttered as he started to play with my hair again.

  I said nothing and just wrapped my arms around him, still partially naked. I didn't care though, and it didn't seem as if Chrollo cared either. I kissed his cheek softly and stood up, pulling on my boxers.

  "Thank you, Chrollo," I said. "I can pay you for that if you would like."

  Chrollo laughed and stood up, hugging me again. "You don't have to pay. Besides, I'm the one who offered to do it for you."

  I brushed my hand through his hair and smiled at him. Chrollo was a really nice guy, and I really enjoyed his company. Maybe we could stay allies even after I had killed Hisoka.

  "I'm glad to call you an ally, Chrollo," I said, kissing him on the cheek again.

  Chrollo took hold of my hand and looked into my eyes. "I'm glad to call you my friend, Illumi."

  I blinked a couple of times before smiling widely at him. Friend. I like that.

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