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Chrollo's pov

  I love Illumi. I had done ever since I first met him. He always put passion behind every move, even if it was sometimes nearly impossible to see. I remember when he told me he wanted to kill Hisoka. His face seemed so calm and plain, yet his voice was so full of emotion. He was beautiful.

  And now I was sitting with that beautiful man, sharing a cigarette with him on a balcony of Heaven's arena after giving him a tattoo. I was actually really happy.

  "I think I will be your friend," Illumi said, breaking the silence between us.

  I chuckled and took a drag from the cigarette, passing it to Illumi. "Good. I'd like that."

  We stayed like that for a while longer until I found myself yawning. Illumi carefully picked me up and took me into the bedroom, carefully putting me on the bed. I took off my clothes and Illumi did the same, laying down next to me.

  "This is going to sound incredibly stupid, but I find it difficult to sleep alone," he muttered. "Do you think you can stay with me until I fall asleep?"

  I smiled at him and stroked his hair. "I'll stay for as long as you need."

  "Thank you, Kuroro," Illumi replied and I blushed. No one had called me that in a long time.

  "Goodnight, Illumi," I said and softly kissed his cheek.

  I stayed next to him and watched him fall asleep. He was beautiful, but I knew he thought nothing of me. I was just a friend to him. I didn't mind too much. He seemed more relaxed with me, and that made me happy. I closed my eyes and thought about fighting Hisoka as I fell asleep.

  I woke up early the next morning and felt something playing with my hair. I opened my eyes, slightly confused, and saw Illumi stroking my hair, smiling lightly. I smiled at him and wrapped my arms around him, still sleepy. I didn't think about what I was doing until I felt his arms wrap around me, and I froze up. Illumi laughed softly and I pressed my head into his shoulder. He was warm and his skin was soft.

  We stayed like that for about an hour before my stomach started to growl. I laughed and got out of bed. Illumi followed me into the kitchen and I started to make us some waffles. We were still in our underwear but it didn't seem to matter. We were both men, after all.

  "Good morning," Illumi yawned as he started to make coffee.

  "Morning," I replied.

  I watched Illumi as he started up the coffee machine and smiled. His usually neat hair was messy and had large sections coming out at all angles. He was incredibly muscular and looked really good. Should I tell him that? No, he'd think I was weird.

  The waffles were soon done and I put them on two plates for us. I gave one to Illumi who was drinking his coffee and we sat down on the couch together. I looked at his tattoo as we ate and smiled to myself. It looked good, and I was hoping that it would heal nicely.

  "Do you want to do anything today?" Illumi asked me once we had finished eating.

  I thought about it and shrugged, placing a hand on his leg. "I don't mind."

  He just nodded and I stood up, taking our plates and his cup into the kitchen. I washed up and then walked into the bedroom to get dressed. I changed into a pair of tight black pants and a loose tank top. I left my hair down and Illumi came into the bedroom, also getting dressed. We sat back on the couch together and Illumi put on a film. I didn't know what it was about, and Illumi didn't seem to know either, but it said it was about a girl getting kidnapped by a mafia boss, so it was good enough for us.

  The film was not what either of us was expecting. I ended up leaving halfway through and sitting in the bedroom alone to read a book. I felt bad for leaving Illumi to watch it, but he's a grown man. He can look after himself. Illumi came into the bedroom after a while. he didn't say anything and just sat next to me on the bed. I put the book down and put my hand on his leg, feeling slightly worried.

  "I'm sorry for putting that film on," he said quietly. "I had no idea-"

  Before he could say anything else I found myself moving towards him and pressing my lips on his. I didn't know what I was doing and we both sat there, slightly shocked. After a second, Illumi kissed me back softly. We kissed each other for a while before I pulled away, blushing.

  "I'm sorry," I said, looking down.

  Illumi didn't say anything. I looked up at him and saw that he was staring off into the distance. I sighed and picked the book up again. He was probably thinking about killing Hisoka. I chuckled as I thought about Hisoka dying. He needed to go, but I did want to fight him first. I want to see if the great magician was as tough as he seemed.

  "I'm going to go for a walk," Illumi said, getting off of the bed.

  I nodded my head and heard him leave the room. I finished the book and put it back on the shelf. I decided to go back to my room at this point and quickly left. My room was only a few doors down so I didn't think Illumi would worry too much if I was gone when he came back.

  My room was exactly as I left it. I had my books stacked up on a table, with my bible on top. I sighed and reached out for it. It was my favourite possession. An 1897 edition. I stole it when I first moved away from Meteor City, and have kept it in good condition ever since.

  After a few hours of reading, I had a phone call from Machi. Apparently, Feitan and Phinks had almost destroyed our hideout and they needed me to come back. I sighed and ended the call. I decided to tell Illumi that I was going to go back to York New for a day or two and I called him.

  "Kuroro, is everything okay?" Illumi asked.

  I found myself blushing at that and forced myself to sound calm. "Everything is fine. I just have to go back to York New for a day or two. Will you be okay on your own?"

  "Of course," he replied. "I'll be waiting for your return."

  He ended the call and I started to pack some things to take to York New with me. This was going to be a very boring trip.

Vengeance ||Book Two||- DiscontinuedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt