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Illumi's pov

  "We still have a few hours before you have to fight," Chrollo said to me, playing with my hair. "Do you want to do something?"

  I shook my head and tied my hair back. It was annoying me, and I was tempted to cut it. But I liked having long hair. It made me feel pretty.

  "Do you think I should cut my hair?" I asked him.

  Chrollo looked slightly shocked at that and shook his head. "Absolutely not. Your hair is amazing. Keep it long. I can style it for you if it gets annoying."

  "Thanks, Kuroro," I murmured and laid my head on his shoulder.

  Chrollo wrapped his arms around me and I kissed him. The kiss started out soft and sweet but soon turned heated. I gripped his top and pulled him into me, biting his lower lip and demanding entrance. Chrollo moaned and I slipped my tongue into his mouth, fighting for dominance. I soon won and moved my hands down my partner's body, pushing him down on the bed.

  "Lumi," Chrollo moaned into my mouth.

  I smirked and started kissing his jaw and neck. I knew he was especially sensitive there, and I made sure to bite hard. Chrollo moaned loudly and pulled my hair, holding my waist tightly with his spare hand.

  "Illumi," Chrollo panted. "Fuck. Lie down, now."

  I did what I was told and laid down on the bed. Chrollo removed my clothes and brushed his hands over my skin. I wrapped my arms around him and moaned quietly. I felt needy and tried to hold back moans when his lips brushed over my thighs.

  "I want to hear you," Chrollo whispered into my ear. "Let your moans out, baby."

  I let out some loud moans as Chrollo started biting and sucking my thighs. He moved his mouth closer to my dick and I tensed up when I felt his hot breath on my crotch.

  "Stop teasing me," I moaned as he continued to bite around my dick.

  Chrollo chuckled and licked the base of my dick. I closed my eyes and moaned when he fitted me into his mouth and began to suck. I thrust into his mouth and he started jerking himself off at the same time.

  "Chrollo, I'm close," I gasped, gripping into his hair.

  He sucked my dick a few more times and I came into his mouth, pleasure filling my body as I reached my orgasm. Chrollo stood over me and continued jerking himself off until he came all over my face and body. I gasped loudly and looked up at him, wiping my face and licking off all the cum I could reach.

  "Sorry, baby," he murmured, picking me up. "I'll clean you up before your fight."

  "Thanks," I said, holding onto him.

  He took me into the bathroom and washed my body in the bath. I smiled at him and washed my hair, making sure to get all the cum out of it. Once I was sure I was clean, I grabbed my towel and got out of the bath.

  "I should get ready," I said to Chrollo, drying my hair with the towel.

  "Okay, I'll try to get a good seat," he said and kissed my cheek.

  Chrollo went back to his room and I got dressed. I put on a pair of cropped green pants, a burgundy corset, and a sleeveless jacket that matched my pants. I continued to dry my hair and checked the time. I had about an hour left at this point, so I decided to make myself some coffee.

  Soon enough, it was time for my fight. I sighed and picked up my needles, pushing them into my jacket before leaving the room. I was feeling slightly tired from my earlier events with Chrollo, but I knew that wouldn't affect my performance in the fight. I managed to kill twelve men with only four hours of sleep in a week before. This measly fight was nothing.

  I could hear the cheers from the audience before I stepped out onto the ring and sighed, pinching my temple. Why did it have to be so loud and bright here? My head was hurting badly and I just wanted to curl up in a ball and sleep. Was that too much to ask for?

  But if I didn't participate in this fight and win, I would have to wait longer to kill Hisoka. I wanted to kill him as soon as possible, so I sucked it up and walked out into the arena. The cheers were even louder but I chose not to care. The fight would be over not long after it started, and my opponent would be dead. Just like every other fight.

  The only fights that didn't end with my opponent dying were the ones I had with Hisoka. I hate to admit it, but I miss him sometimes. I missed having someone who understood me, who knew me, who knew how I was feeling. But in the end, Hisoka betrayed me, just like I knew he would. And I was going to end him. I was going to end him very soon.

  I looked at my opponent and felt their aura. It was strong but nowhere near as strong as mine could be. I knew that this fight would be easy, and I felt almost sad. Why was everything so boring? I wanted to have something to look forward to in a fight, but I knew I couldn't fight if my opponent was stronger than me.

  I ran at my opponent and the fight started. We started our deadly dance but I felt nothing. I was broken. Maybe Chrollo would be the one to fix me. I didn't want to do this fight much longer, so I sliced my opponent's throat with one of my needles in a similar technique to how Hisoka used his cards. My opponent dropped to the floor, dead, and I stepped over their body, leaving the arena. The crowds were calling for me but I didn't care. I walked back to my room and curled up in my bed, pulling the blanket over my head and falling asleep.

  A/N~ Slutty trans Hisoka anyone?

  A/N~ Slutty trans Hisoka anyone?

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