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Chrollo's pov

  I woke up next to Illumi and smiled. His naked body was wrapped around me and he looked so beautiful in the morning light. His muscular body looked so soft and cute when he was relaxed, and it made me feel warm inside. Who could have guessed that Illumi Zoldyck of all people would make me feel like this? I loved it.

  I softly kissed his head, trying not to wake him up. I wrapped my arms around him and checked the time. It was seven am, still pretty early. Illumi started to stir and I tried to keep still, not wanting to wake him up. He opened his large eyes and smiled at me sleepily.

  "Good morning," he yawned. "Do you want to take a bath with me?"

  "Sure," I said. "I want to take you somewhere today."

  "Where's that?" Illumi asked, getting out of my bed.

  "It's a secret," I told him.

  Illumi turned his head and smiled, his back towards me. He looked so good in the morning and I wanted to kiss him, though I was very aware of my morning breath. I would have to brush my teeth before our bath.

  We walked to the bathroom together, still naked from the events of the previous night. A blush rose to my cheeks as I remembered the events of last night. Illumi was really hot when he took control. Though it did hurt, and I could feel some of the pain was still there.

  I brushed my teeth as Illumi started the bath and then he joined me. He wrapped one arm around me and he brushed his teeth as well. The bath was soon ready and we got into it.

  "This is nice," I said, looking at Illumi who was sitting opposite to me.

  "Yes, it is," he replied, smiling at me.

  We quickly washed and got out. Illumi quickly threw his clothes from yesterday on and went back to his room to get some clean ones. I walked back to the bedroom and threw on a grey top and a pair of black jeans. I also decided to cover my forehead with a bandage.

  I went to the kitchen and made myself some toast. Illumi came back and I saw that he was wearing a BVB top, a pair of ripped skinny jeans, and a pair of Vans. He actually looked pretty hot and I could feel my face heating up slightly.

  He made himself some cereal and we sat on the couch together, eating quietly. I checked the time once we had finished eating. It was half-eight.

  "We should go now," I said to him, taking our stuff into the kitchen.

  We left the arena and walked through the town together. I wanted to take Illumi to the arcade that had just opened. He hasn't been to one before, so I thought that it might be fun for him and help take his mind off of things. And I also wouldn't steal anything. I'd pay for stuff for him.

  "We're here," I told him, stopping in front of large glass doors.

  "Where's here?" He asked, holding my hand tightly. "I don't think I'll like it if there are too many people here."

  I smiled at him and squeezed his hand lightly. "Don't worry. There won't be too many people. And if it gets too crowded just tell me and we can leave, okay?"

  Illumi nodded at me and kissed my hand softly before walking into the arcade. It was pretty empty like I thought it would be. Illumi was looking around with wide eyes and he rushed over to one of the claw machines.

  "Kuroro," he whispered. "This is great. What is this place?"

  "An arcade," I told him, putting my arm around his waist. "You can play games and do all sorts of fun things here. And you can also collect tickets, which can be exchanged for prizes."

  "What sort of prizes?" He asked, his eyes glowing with excitement.

  "All kinds of things," I laughed.

  Illumi ran towards one of the games and I followed him. We spent the rest of the day at the arcade playing games with each other. Illumi really liked the whack-a-mole and kept on going back to it. He looked really happy the entire day, and that made me really happy.

  "Look how many tickets we have!" He laughed, holding the pile with both arms.

  "We should count them," I told him. "Then you can choose a prize for that amount of tickets."

  I took Illumi to the machine that counted the tickets and we had 5,528. That was mostly because Illumi kept getting the high scores on games. He was amazing at it.

  "Wow," he said. "What can we get with this many?"

  We walked over to the prize kiosk and Illumi's eyes widened. I glanced to where he was looking and smiled. It was a white cat plush wearing a blue jacket holding hands with a black cat wearing a purple jacket.

  "They look like you and Killua," he whispered, clutching my hand tightly.

  "Why don't you get them?" I whispered back. "We have more than enough tickets."

  Illumi smiled widely and got the cats. We also got two key chains with little frogs all over them. I then picked out a load of candy and sweets for us to share.

  We then left the arcade, laughing to each other. Illumi was clutching the cats close to his chest and he was smiling. I hadn't seen him smile so much before. It was like he was a whole other person.

  I took Illumi through a park on the way back to the arena. It was starting to get dark at this point, and there were string lights around the bushes, giving everything a soft glow. We sat down 9n a wooden bench by the fountain in the centre of the park. It was illuminated by soft blue floodlights and soft music was playing from the speakers at the base of the fountain. The stars were twinkling in the sky and for a moment I forgot that we were a criminal and an assassin.

  "I love you, Chrollo," Illumi said, holding my hand.

  I turned to him and smiled, cupping his face in my hand. "I love you too, Illumi."

  We softly kissed eachother and in that moment everything went still. It was just me and Illumi in that moment, sharing our deepest feelings for each other.

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