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Hisoka's pov

My jaw was most definitely broken after Chrollo punched me earlier. Still, I couldn't be too mad at him. He did say that he wanted to fight, giving me the time and place we would do it. And it wasn't like I couldn't just fix myself up with bungee gum for the time being.

I had decided to fight Chrollo properly, and if one of us dies then so be it. If I somehow manage to die, then Illumi will have one less target to worry about. And if his dear Chrollo dies, well, his anger towards me will only make our fight that much better. I know he wants to kill me, he's itching to every time our paths cross. I can feel the bloodlust rolling off of him in waves every time he sees me. It's magnificent.

Still, I'm not expecting either fight to be easy. Illumi and Chrollo are both very strong, and thinking about how difficult it would be to kill them is what gets me off at night. And soon, I will get to feel their rage directed at me, their anger, their hatred, all of their emotions for me and only me as they aim to end my life. It will be beautiful and deadly, a dance of death that will end in one person's defeat and another's regret.

My fight with Chrollo would happen in the woods, away from anyone who could catch us, with none of the rules of Heavens arena. I could kill him as soon as the fight starts, or let his death be as slow and as painful as possible before I give the finishing blow. Or maybe I leave him with only serious injuries that will ultimately lead to his death, but not by my hands directly. That would also leave dear Illumi vulnerable and I couldn't say no to seeing that.

I went back to my room and turned on the TV, letting the sounds of people talking take my mind away from the pain in my jaw. It hurt a lot, so I put some ice on it to help with the swelling. Bungee gum would keep it in place until it started to heal, so that wasn't a worry. I probably wouldn't be alive for long enough to see that happen, though. Oh, well. At least I'll get a good fight before I die.

The next morning came around fairly quickly, and I got ready for the day. Chrollo and I were going to fight. I could feel the anticipation coursing through my veins as I made myself look pretty. If I were to die today, I wanted to look hot.

Illumi and Chrollo were already in the woods when I got there, and I smiled when I saw a few bruises on Illumi's arms. They looked good against his pale skin and I wanted to leave more.

"Ah, good. You're here," Chrollo said in a calm voice, a small smile on his face. "Right on time as well."

I just shrugged and stretched my arms. "What can I say? I've been looking forward to this day for years. It wouldn't be very polite of me if I were late, now would it?"

Chrollo said nothing at that but gave me a small nod, getting into position. I got into my own fighting stance, assessing my surroundings. The trees would be good for swinging off of and attaching my bungee gum to, so that was good. There was also plenty of space for me to do my own thing without bumping into anything.

Illumi called for the fight to start and I moved towards Chrollo, attaching my bungee gum to his book as I went to punch him in the face. He dodged .y attack and fired back his own, opening his book as he did so. I smirked and pulled the book out of his grasp, throwing it across the floor. I was at an advantage and I wanted it to stay that way.

I brought a knee up to Chrollo's stomach and elbowed him in the spine at the same time. He doubled over and collapsed onto the floor, pulling me down with him. I cursed, barley managing to catch myself before I ended up in a heap. Chrollo was already standing back up and punched me in the face a few times. He hit my broken jaw and sparks of pain flooded my body, fueling me to fight harder.

We were both sweating heavily at this point. Chrollo was a very skilled fighter, even without his nen ability. It was everything I had hoped for when I challenged him to a fight, rough and fast and hard. I was feeling pretty beaten and bruised at that point, and Chrollo wasn't looking any better. I quickly glanced over at Illumi for the first time since the fight started, and the look on his face was amazing. For once, he was actually showing emotion. His eyes were wide with what looked like terror, and he was shaking ever so slightly. I smirked at him before charging at Chrollo again, deciding that the fight wasn't going to last much longer.

Chrollo seed tired at this point, and his attacks became less precise. They still hit me and hurt, but didn't deal much damage to anything vital. It was a shame, really, because the fight was going so well before that point. But as they say, all good things must come to an end.

I threw my cards at Chrollo for one last blow, all of them hitting exactly where I hoped they would. One wedged itself into his neck, another into his chest, two into his stomach, and one into his upper thigh. Chrollo collapsed to the ground and Illuni rushed over, a cry escaping from his lips. I watched as he held Chrollo gently, almost too gently, and scoffed.

"That was a good fight," I purred, walking over to them. "Such a shame it's over too soon."

Illumi said nothing at first, but when he turned to face me, I saw pure anger in his eyes. "If Chrollo dies, I will kill you."

I smiled and licked my lips. "That's all I want, Illu-chan."

A/N: strawberry maid dress Chrollo, as promised. If I ever have to draw a strawberry again, I may just rip my eyes out and shove my fingers into the sockets.

 If I ever have to draw a strawberry again, I may just rip my eyes out and shove my fingers into the sockets

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