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Hisoka's pov

  I walked into the arena and waved, the crowd around me cheering. Someone had challenged me to a fight, and by looking at their other fights, they could easily be defeated.

  The crowd was especially loud today, and I started smiling widely. I was going to crush my opponent. They should have known better than to challenge me.

  "Ah, so you must be my opponent," I said to the person standing in front of me.

  They were around 5'7, long hair, average build. Their aura seemed pretty strong, and they had a sick smile on their face.

  "It's a shame, really," I continued. "You seem like a fun person. But sadly, I don't lose a fight, and I need to kill someone."

  With that, the fight started. My opponents nen was incredibly strong, and I even found myself struggling at times. I could feel my excitement growing as the fight continued, the cheers of the crowd encouraging me.

  "Giving up already, Hisoka?" My opponent sneered, swinging their fists at me.

  "I feel ashamed if you think that's the best I can do," I retorted, bending my back so their strikes wouldn't land on me.

  They looked mad when I said that and I could feel their murderous intent. They were going to make this a very fun fight.

  "Is that all you've got?" I laughed, swiftly kicking them in the stomach. "I'm surprised you've made it this far at all."

  My opponent quickly regained their balance and I smirked. Their recovery was pretty fast. I didn't have to worry about the fight ending too soon.

  "I'm going to kill you!" They yelled, their aura becoming stronger.

  "No, you're not. My crazy ex will do that," I told them in a bored voice.

  That seemed to slow them down and I took my chance. I attached my bungee gum to their chin to pull them towards me. But not yet. I was going to have a lot more fun with them first. They would be of no importance to me once I had killed them.

  "Your ex has some sense then," my opponent sneered, coming towards me.

  I quickly used Gyo and saw that they changed the distribution of their aura and I frowned slightly. Seventy-percent was concentrated on their left leg. They were most likely going to try and break my arm or leg. Foolish mistake. I would only have to use my bungee gum to take them off balance, for it possesses the properties of both rubber and gum.

  I detached my bungee gum from their chin and attached it to their leg. I pulled it towards me sharply and my opponent fell, hitting the ground hard. It didn't seemas if they had much of their aura protecting their body and I smirked. They were foolish to think that they could defeat me if this was the best they could do.

  The crowd cheered loudly as my opponent struggled to get up, but I was already starting to get bored at this point. I dropped down on my knee next to them and punched them in the face. I used my nen and my full strength with this, and I soon felt their skull shatter. Their blood hit me but I didn't care. It would wash out.

  I stood up and was greeted with cheers from the crowd. I smirked and bowed deeply, finding Illumi and Chrollo looking at me in disgust. I don't know why. They has both killed people before. They were no better than I was.

  I left the arena still covered in blood and went back to my room. Why did I always try to find Chrollo and Illumi in that crowd? I didn't care if they came to watch me or not. I didn't care about them at all.

  Sure, I sometimes missed having Illumi around, but that was mostly because we would always fight and he let me fuck him whenever I wanted. And he felt really good. Just thinking about it turned me on. I bet Chrollo didn't fuck him like I did. Illumi would come crawling back to me soon. He'd want to kill me, sure, but he'd want to be with me more.

  I would probably have to get rid of Chrollo first though. Illumi seemed to like him a lot. He seemed happier with the spider. I should just-

  No. Illumi doesn't love me, why would he? These stupid voices are making me confused again and they just seem to be getting worse. Maybe I should talk to my doctor about it. But the pills did seem to work and I would be dead soon, so I didn't see much point in that.

  I walked to my bathroom and took my pills again. I was sick. I hated it. At least I still have my good looks. Maybe I should go to a club or something? I'm sure I'd find someone to fight, fuck, or kill. Maybe even all three if I'm lucky. But there's no point now.

  I flopped onto my couch and sighed, closing my eyes. My clothes were starting to become stiff with dried blood, but I didn't care much. It wasn't the first time something like this had happened. I've actually become more violent when killing people in the last year. Maybe seeing Killua's bloodied corpse in my arms awakened something in me. It made things a lot more exciting, anyway.

  "You really are a mess, aren't you?" I whispered to myself.

  Something warm was sliding down my cheek and I caught it with my finger, looking at it. It was a tear. Oh, so I was crying. When was the last time that had happened? I knew I cried in my sleep at times, but not when I was fully conscious. I didn't like showing weakness and yet here I was, crying in my room for some dumb fucking reason.

  My cards couldn't even make me happy. I felt empty. Exhausted. Would my death feel like this? Or would it be more comforting, like falling into a deep sleep? And would there be pain?

  No. Stop it. I don't need to think about that. I should focus on other things, like fighting. I wonder who would take my place as floor master? Illuni would probably fight me elsewhere, so he wouldn't be floor master. They'd probably just get someone from the 200th floor with ten wins to take my place.

  I should sleep. It's getting late. The voiced usually quiet down when I try to sleep. Maybe they won't come back. I hope they don't come back. I don't want them to come back.

  They scare me.

Vengeance ||Book Two||- DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now