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Author POV:

"What do you want?" Berserk asks, her voice low and there's a small cry in the background which Brick is guessing must be from her baby son.

"Are you okay? You sound exhausting?" Brick cringes and sits up from his chair to get comfortable, he honestly hopes the phone call isn't long. Berserk and Brick haven't had a proper conversation since the funeral and even though both woman may look alike, they are way different in personality and attitude.

Brick only talk to Berserk's husband, Braxton, he was also the complete opposite of Brick. Patient, shy, oblivious, a scary-cat, and quick to strategy. Brick felt Braxton was one of his rivals he was up against with when it came to winning Blossom's heart in college until he notice Braxton burning the school floor when Berserk introduced herself into the group.

He's glad after everything he still stuck close to one of his old friends, he just wished it was the same with all of them. 

"I just woke up" Berserk responded, and Brick apologized for waking her up and her baby. "It's fine."

There's a pause and it's awkward between the two, but Brick tries to past through it because he needs answers. "Berserk... I need to know, what happened in the first few months of Blossom's relationship in college"

"W-what? No...Brick, wait, Brick you can't be seriously calling me to ask me about Blossom's past relationship?" Berserk says, beginning to sound bothered. "You can't be serious, please tell me you aren't serious" she asks and gulps when Brick takes long to respond.

"I am serious. I know I shouldn't bring up Blossom past toxic relationship but"

"Well duh!" She angrily yells.

"But it's important, I don't know much about it because I wasn't there in the beginning, she wanted me out"

"Mmm? I wonder why? And there's no reason to talk about it, because one! It isn't my place to tell and two she's gone...s-she's gone, Brick. My best friend is gone." Berserk's voice becomes shaky. "You call me after what? Fourteen? Fifteen years? To ask me about Blossom's toxic relationship in college, a relationship she went through hell! Brick I lost her! I lost my best friend! I cried for days, months, years, she was the only person who really knew me, who really believed in me when nobody else did! And you call, to remind me of my best-friend's traumatic past, what the fuck?"

Brick can imagine Berserk hot pink eyes glowing in anger and her probably holding the phone so tight it could probably snap at any moment.

'We can't tell anyone else just yet! We need to figure out first what's wrong with their memory.'

'Fuck it' Brick thinks, and he risks it because he doesn't think he'll get through to Berserk if he doesn't tell her the truth.

"She's alive! Okay! Blossom's alive!" Brick yells through the phone and it's quiet before a "Fuck you" and a hang up is heard.

Brick with widened eyes, stares at his phone with outer shock for a few seconds before he scoffs and puts his phone on the table. "I guess that didn't work neither" Brick mumbles and rubs his forehead before thinking of plan two "I guess I'll call Braxton and tell him the plan" He sighs and picks up his phone to call his friend.

"Why are things getting worse? Well...at least Brake doesn't know" Brick whispers in relief.


Outside the wooden door stood the teenage boy with wide eyes, his eyes shaking with fear and he quickly puts his hand down to avoid from knocking on his dad's door.

He stood still as he kept listening to mumbling and sudden yells, he stares down at the ground and tries to process in what he just heard a few seconds ago.

'She's alive! Okay! Blossom's alive!'

Blossom? His mother? After all these years, she's alive? But how? And why did he just find out about this now? Has she been hiding from him?

Brake felt his body get cold and he begins to realize ice crystals form around his shoes, "F-fuck" He mutters in panic and tries to calm down but it only gets worse when the floors starts to turn frost.

"What the!" Brake's head snaps up as he hears his dad yell and from quick thinking, he uses his laser eyes to melt the ice crystals to set himself free.

"I swear-! Brake! We talk about using your powers in the house!" Brick yells so loud that Brake covers his ears. Brake ignores his dad's scolding from the office and focuses on un-frosting the halls and some of his dad's office room.

"I really hope dad was telling the truth, because I'm going to find you mom." Brake's confidence un-frosts everything and his body temperature goes back to normal.

"First, let's find out why Burst is blowing up my phone" Brake whispers when he checks to see 21 missed phone calls.

Brake walks back to his room and locks the door to his room to call his cousin back. It doesn't take long for Burst to pick up and once he does, the first thing Brake hears is sniffs and hiccups.

After Brake telling Burst to calm down and take a drink of water. Brake begins to get hesitant from everything Burst starts to tell him and he doesn't know if he should tell his cousin what he heard.


"Burst, I need to tell you something"



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