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My ass hurts so much for sitting so long on the chair, typing down on my computer ;-;


Author POV:

Blossom froze in spot and slowly turn around. "Huh?" was the only thing that left her lips. "Let go of me Bubbles and let go of Boomer." The Professor said. "B-But.." Bubbles stuttered. "Bubbles listen to me. Let. Go. Of. Boomer."

Bubbles sucked her tooth annoyed and let go of Boomer, throwing him on the ground and giving him a glare. Bubbles didn't like Boomer, she never did and just when she was about too, He dumped a bucket of ice water onto of her head when she stepped inside her classroom in high school, she promised her self she would never like him. Little did Bubbles know, she broke that promised years ago.

The Professor got up and clean the dust off his lab coat, his face showed he was frustrated. "My dearest daughters. I would like to introduce you your new teammates." The Ruffs and Puffs eyes widen, Buttercup dropped Butch on the ground and walked over to her father, along with her sisters. "New teammates? What the hell are you talking about?" Buttercup said. "Language Buttercup! and yes, they'll be your new teammates."

"But we never agreed to this Professor" Bubbles whispered, crossing her arms on her chest. "Well I did. As your father, I will be making the choices and agreements." The Professor said, before turning around to walk away with Brick. "There is no way in hell I'm going to be working with blondie over there." Bubbles cursed. "Same here, I'm not going to be stuck working with a dumbass guy." Buttercup said, referring to Butch.

Boomer waved softly giving a smile while Butch rolled his eyes.

"Relax girls, this will probably be only for a few weeks then they'll be out of our team. The Professor can't be serious about this. He's probably just planning something." Blossom said, shrugging her shoulder. "He better be. I can't be stuck with that idiot forever." Buttercup said, giving a gross look at Butch.


"Damn, they really don't remember anything." Brick said, he let out a sigh and let his head drop. The Professor put his left hand on Brick's shoulder, "Don't worry Brick. They are going to get their memory back. But for now don't tell Brake or the other kids, if they find out their mother is back and don't remember them they'll be heartbroken and will cause more problems." Brick nodded his head in agreement. "But how will they get their memory back though?" Brick asked.

The Professor walked around some of his inventions and machines. "I'll see if I can find a way to make a machine or a potion. But I think for now you guys have to make them remember you, for example try to take them places you guys been in or try to remake important memories that'll make them remember." he said.

"Thats a good idea, but who will watch the kids? I know their in high school, but when I was their age I remember me and my brothers caused a lot of trouble." Brick said. The Professor raised his left eyebrow and gave a smile, "Brick, they're also my daughters kids. I think they're personally is way different."

"Yeah, but they're still kids. They need to stay somewhere with a grown up." Brick put his index finger on his chin, thinking who will be best. "Why don't you guys leave them with me?" he asked. Brick shake his head, "Can't. You'll be busy and won't be able to keep a eye on them and know what they're doing." Brick said. "Oh I know.." Brick looked at the Professor confused, yet curious who would be able to take care of them.

"Who?" he asked.

"Mojo Jojo!" he yelled. Brick's eyes widened, "My Father?!" he yelled back. "No way! Do you know how he reacted when he found out I was dating Blossom?, even worse when he found out I was going to propose to her?!" The Professor let out a sigh, " Brick. There's no choice plus he's your father, creator-"

"So is HIM, but you don't see me talking to the devil! He almost killed me the day I was getting married." Brick let out a frustrated sigh and look down. "He's your father, he should understand plus they are his grandchildren." "I remember last time me and HIM talked he said he wanted to be nothing part of my family with Blossom and especially Brake."

"What about Mojo?" The Professor asked. "He didn't say anything that day, he just watched HIM get mad at me and nodded his head, but his reaction later on was um scary." The Professor nodded his head, but still told him he should call his father and give it a shot. Brick soon nodded his head agreeing.


Brick kept staring down at the phone, scared to dial down the numbers to be answered by his father. He took a deep breath and let out. 'He's your father Brick, he should understand.' he thought.

Number after number Brick pressed till he got to the last number. He pressed it down quickly and put the telephone on his ear, waiting for at least somebody to answer.

"Hello? This is Mojo speaking."

"D-Dad, it's me. Brick your son, I need a favor." Brick gulped and explained his problem to his father, Mojo stayed silent and listen to everything his oldest son told him. You could clearly hear Mojo sighed through the phone when Brick stopped talking.

"I'll be over in 20 minutes."

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