Chapter 23: Imperius

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Chapter 23: Imperius

"You need to strengthen your mind," Lupin said. "It's the only way you'll be able to withstand dark curses."

"Listen, buddy, I can strengthen my mind all I want but if someone uses the killing curse on me, I'm dead," I said.

"Not all dark magic is used to physically harm you," he said, leaning against the dining room table in the cabin.

"Yeah, but..." I said and shrugged. "My point still stands."

"The three unforgivable curses will be the most dangerous and important," Lupin said, ignoring me. "As the war heightens, the ministry will likely repeal the punishments that go along with the curses as they did during the first war. The killing curse is not the only spell that you will need to protect yourself against the death eaters."

"You seem to know an awful lot for someone who claims he isn't a death eater," I said and quirked my eyebrow at him.

"This is serious, Y/N," he said.

"Well, then let's get this show on the road," I said and straightened my posture. "I learn best with hands-on experience. Hit me."

"Hit you? No," he said. "That's not okay."

"I am asking you to hit me, professor," I said. "Get me with one of those Unforgivable curses. I would prefer that you don't choose the killing curse but it is entirely up to you."


"I want to see if I can take the Cruciatus," I said. "Come on, Lupin!"

"That's an awful idea. Besides, I don't want to hurt you, so it wouldn't work. Neither would the killing curse."

"Imperius it is."

"I don't want to use an Unforgivable curse on you."

"It's for educational purposes," I said. "I just want to be prepared."

"No, not when I know you can't beat it," he said and shook his head.


"As I was saying, you need to focus on strengthening your mind. You need to have a strong will to protect yourself and to use the Unforgivable curses."

"Wait, to use them?"

"Yes, to use them. You may need to," Lupin said.

"I was literally brought up being told not to use them. You told me not to use them," I said and pointed at him.

"I know, but times have changed."

"Have you ever used them?" I asked.

"I... Yes, I have," he said. "More times than I would like to admit. Sometimes we have to use these curses, no matter how bad they are. While they can be used for awful, awful things, they are some of the most effective curses to use for your protection. They don't have to be used for bad. They can be used as defense."

"If they're so useful for defense, then why aren't they taught?" I asked.

"Because they're so dangerous," Lupin said. "There will always be people who use them for bad. And because we don't like to prepare for situations that we don't want to come."

"I know I was joking around earlier about you using one of the curses on me, but I was kind of being serious. I want to be prepared for what it feels like," I said.

Lupin sighed, looking at the ground as he thought.

"I suppose we could try the Imperius curse if that's what you want. It won't be a powerful one and I won't make you do anything dangerous, okay? I'll only hold it for a few seconds, and then that's it," he said.

"Okay," I said and squared my feet as he straightened up. "How should I fight it?"

"You just have to have a strong will," he explained. "Only for a few seconds," he repeated. "Are you ready?"

I nodded.


I felt a calm wash over me, my mind becoming blank as I stared ahead. I could still see Lupin, but I made no effort to process any of the information around me. I began to take a step forward but then faltered.


I froze for a moment before the cloud over my mind was lifted. I blinked, still feeling a bit dazed.

"Are you okay?" Lupin asked, standing alert before me.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay," I said, rubbing at my temples. "That was weird."

"You resisted for a split second," he said. "You stopped."

"I don't think it would have lasted," I admitted, accepting a seat when he pulled a chair out for me. "My instinct was to question whatever was dictating my actions, but I think I would have obeyed in the end."

"You've always had a strong will, always questioned your authorities. Think about your life before this. When are you ever submissive to authority?" Lupin asked, sitting down across from me.

"I'm just a bitch," I said, accepting a glass of water that he conjured.

"Exactly. And by being a... bitch, excuse me, by nature, you're adept at resisting authority because that's your instinct. It's a good thing."

"I always knew being a bitch was my greatest strength," I said and smiled, sipping at my water.

"With a little work, you might be able to resist the Imperius curse," Lupin said.

"Can we try it again?"

"No," he said immediately. "I don't want to risk it. It was foolish to try it even once. There are so many things that can go wrong."

"Well, I appreciate that you did it," I said. "So, how's Tonks?"

Lupin stiffened.

"I think I'd better get going," he said and pushed his chair out.

"Professor, I'm sorry," I apologized, standing up as well.

"No, don't be," he said and patted my shoulder. "All is well. I'm just feeling a bit conflicted."

"Oh, well, I'm sorry to bring it up anyway." He shook his head dismissively. "So..."

"Yes?" he asked, pulling on his coat and hovering by the door.

"How did I do? Am I going to pass?" I asked with a grin as I opened the door for him. He slipped outside with a chuckle and a shake of his head.

"Perhaps you will," he said. "You've improved much since the last time I had you in my class. You were one of the worst students I ever had."


"But that wasn't what bothered me. It was that you had so much potential. I was afraid you wouldn't tap into it in time, but you did and you've flourished," he said and smiled.

"Thanks, professor. You were one of the only professors I found tolerable," I said and hugged him, feeling him stiffen before he patted my back awkwardly. "When's our next class?"

"Next week?" he asked. "I'll write when I find a specific time."

"I'll be waiting. Thank you so much, Lupin. I really appreciate that you're doing this."

"Of course. I'm making up for all the lessons you slept through."

guys, i didn't have any time to write this week and i don't have any chapters written in advance. i'm so sorry for the short chapter but i don't have any time right now to do any more for you. if i can find time, i'll try to get a bonus chapter up. thank you for sticking around!! <3

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